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How do I create a comma-separated list using a SQL query?

I have 3 tables called:

  • Applications (id, name)
  • Resources (id, name)
  • ApplicationsResources (id, app_id, resource_id)

I want to show on a GUI a table of all resource names. In one cell in each row I would like to list out all of the applications (comma separated) of that resource.

So the question is, what is the best way to do this in SQL as I need to get all resources and I also need to get all applications for each resource?

Do I run a select * from resources first and then loop through each resource and do a separate query per resource to get the list of applications for that resource?

Is there a way I can do this in one query?

like image 758
leora Avatar asked Nov 30 '09 05:11


People also ask

How do I create a comma delimited list in SQL?

Many a times need arises to create comma delimited list in SQL Server. This can be done using the DOR XML PATH feature of SQL Server. The FOR XML PATH generates a xml when used with select statement.

How do you create a list in SQL query?

You can create lists of SQL Query or Fixed Data values . In the Data Model components pane, click List of Values and then click Create new List of Values. Enter a Name for the list and select a Type.

6 Answers


  SELECT r.name,
         GROUP_CONCAT(a.name SEPARATOR ',')
    JOIN APPLICATIONSRESOURCES ar ON ar.resource_id = r.id
    JOIN APPLICATIONS a ON a.id = ar.app_id
GROUP BY r.name

SQL Server (2005+)

SELECT r.name,
       STUFF((SELECT ',' + a.name
               FROM APPLICATIONS a
               JOIN APPLICATIONRESOURCES ar ON ar.app_id = a.id
              WHERE ar.resource_id = r.id
           GROUP BY a.name
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('text()[1]','NVARCHAR(max)'), 1, LEN(','), '')

SQL Server (2017+)

  SELECT r.name,
         STRING_AGG(a.name, ',')
    JOIN APPLICATIONSRESOURCES ar ON ar.resource_id = r.id
    JOIN APPLICATIONS a ON a.id = ar.app_id
GROUP BY r.name


I recommend reading about string aggregation/concatentation in Oracle.

like image 78
OMG Ponies Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10

OMG Ponies


This method is not recommended as it can give incorrect or non-deterministic results.
This has been documented on StackOverflow and DBA

Using COALESCE to Build Comma-Delimited String in SQL Server


DECLARE @EmployeeList varchar(100)

SELECT @EmployeeList = COALESCE(@EmployeeList + ', ', '') + 
   CAST(Emp_UniqueID AS varchar(5))
FROM SalesCallsEmployees
WHERE SalCal_UniqueID = 1

SELECT @EmployeeList
like image 22
Robert Harvey Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10

Robert Harvey

I don't know if there's any solution to do this in a database-agnostic way, since you most likely will need some form of string manipulation, and those are typically different between vendors.

For SQL Server 2005 and up, you could use:

     r.ID, r.Name,
     Resources = STUFF(
       (SELECT ','+a.Name
        FROM dbo.Applications a
        INNER JOIN dbo.ApplicationsResources ar ON ar.app_id = a.id
        WHERE ar.resource_id = r.id
        FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
     dbo.Resources r

It uses the SQL Server 2005 FOR XML PATH construct to list the subitems (the applications for a given resource) as a comma-separated list.


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marc_s Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10


I believe what you want is:

SELECT ItemName, GROUP_CONCAT(DepartmentId) FROM table_name GROUP BY ItemName

If you're using MySQL


  • http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/group-by-functions.html#function_group-concat
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Jamie Wong Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10

Jamie Wong

Assuming SQL Server:

Table structure:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item_dept](
    [ItemName] char(20) NULL,
    [DepartmentID] int NULL   


SELECT ItemName,
       STUFF((SELECT ',' + rtrim(convert(char(10),DepartmentID))
        FROM   item_dept b
        WHERE  a.ItemName = b.ItemName
        FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') DepartmentID
FROM   item_dept a


ItemName    DepartmentID
item1       21,13,9,36
item2       4,9,44
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Kenneth Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10


I think we could write in the following way to retrieve(below code is just an example, please modify as needed):

Create FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetEmployeeMultiple(@DepartmentID int)


DECLARE @Employeelist varchar(1000)

SELECT @Employeelist = COALESCE(@Employeelist + ', ', '') + E.LoginID
FROM humanresources.Employee E

Left JOIN humanresources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory H ON
E.BusinessEntityID = H.BusinessEntityID

INNER JOIN HumanResources.Department D ON
H.DepartmentID = D.DepartmentID

Where H.DepartmentID = @DepartmentID

Return @Employeelist


SELECT D.name as Department, dbo.ufnGetEmployeeMultiple (D.DepartmentID)as Employees
FROM HumanResources.Department D

SELECT Distinct (D.name) as Department, dbo.ufnGetEmployeeMultiple (D.DepartmentID) as 
FROM HumanResources.Department D
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user1696097 Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10
