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How do I correctly detect orientation change using Phonegap on iOS?

This is what I do:

function doOnOrientationChange() {
    switch(window.orientation) {  
      case -90: case 90:
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', doOnOrientationChange);
// Initial execution if needed

Update May 2019: window.orientation is a deprecated feature and not supported by most browsers according to MDN. The orientationchange event is associated with window.orientation and therefore should probably not be used.

I use window.onresize = function(){ checkOrientation(); } And in checkOrientation you can employ window.orientation or body width checking but the idea is, the "window.onresize" is the most cross browser method, at least with the majority of the mobile and desktop browsers that I've had an opportunity to test with.

if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches) {
   // you're in PORTRAIT mode

if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches) {
  // you're in LANDSCAPE mode

I'm pretty new to iOS and Phonegap as well, but I was able to do this by adding in an eventListener. I did the same thing (using the example you reference), and couldn't get it to work. But this seemed to do the trick:

// Event listener to determine change (horizontal/portrait)
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", updateOrientation); 

function updateOrientation(e) {
switch (e.orientation)
    case 0:
        // Do your thing

    case -90:
        // Do your thing

    case 90:
        // Do your thing


You may have some luck searching the PhoneGap Google Group for the term "orientation".

One example I read about as an example on how to detect orientation was Pie Guy: (game, js file). It's similar to the code you've posted, but like you... I couldn't get it to work.

One caveat: the eventListener worked for me, but I'm not sure if this is an overly intensive approach. So far it's been the only way that's worked for me, but I don't know if there are better, more streamlined ways.

UPDATE fixed the code above, it works now