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How do I correctly decode unicode parameters passed to a servlet

Suppose I have:

<a href="http://www.yahoo.com/" target="_yahoo"      title="Yahoo!&#8482;" onclick="return gateway(this);">Yahoo!</a> <script type="text/javascript"> function gateway(lnk) {     window.open(SERVLET +         '?external_link=' + encodeURIComponent(lnk.href) +         '&external_target=' + encodeURIComponent(lnk.target) +         '&external_title=' + encodeURIComponent(lnk.title));     return false; } </script> 

I have confirmed external_title gets encoded as Yahoo!%E2%84%A2 and passed to SERVLET. If in SERVLET I do:

Writer writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write(request.getParameter("external_title")); 

I get Yahoo!â„¢ in the browser. If I manually switch the browser character encoding to UTF-8, it changes to Yahoo!TM (which is what I want).

So I figured the encoding I was sending to the browser was wrong (it was Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1). I changed SERVLET to:

response.setContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8"); Writer writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write(request.getParameter("external_title")); 

Now the browser character encoding is UTF-8, but it outputs Yahoo!⢠and I can't get the browser to render the correct character at all.

My question is: is there some combination of Content-type and/or new String(request.getParameter("external_title").getBytes(), "UTF-8"); and/or something else that will result in Yahoo!TM appearing in the SERVLET output?

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Grant Wagner Avatar asked Jan 22 '09 16:01

Grant Wagner

2 Answers

You are nearly there. EncodeURIComponent correctly encodes to UTF-8, which is what you should always use in a URL today.

The problem is that the submitted query string is getting mutilated on the way into your server-side script, because getParameter() uses ISO-8559-1 instead of UTF-8. This stems from Ancient Times before the web settled on UTF-8 for URI/IRI, but it's rather pathetic that the Servlet spec hasn't been updated to match reality, or at least provide a reliable, supported option for it.

(There is request.setCharacterEncoding in Servlet 2.3, but it doesn't affect query string parsing, and if a single parameter has been read before, possibly by some other framework element, it won't work at all.)

So you need to futz around with container-specific methods to get proper UTF-8, often involving stuff in server.xml. This totally sucks for distributing web apps that should work anywhere. For Tomcat see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TOMCAT/Character+Encoding and also What's the difference between "URIEncoding" of Tomcat, Encoding Filter and request.setCharacterEncoding.

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bobince Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09


I got the same problem and solved it by decoding Request.getQueryString() using URLDecoder(), and after extracting my parameters.

String[] Parameters = URLDecoder.decode(Request.getQueryString(), 'UTF-8')                        .splitat('&'); 
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Modi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09
