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How do i convert NSAttributedString into HTML string?

As the title tells,now i can simple convert HTML into NSAttributedString with initWithHTML:documentAttributes: , but what i want to do here is reverse. Is there any 3rd party library to achieve this?

   @implementation NSAttributedString(HTML) -(NSString *)htmlForAttributedString{     NSArray * exclude = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"doctype",                          @"html",                          @"head",                          @"body",                          @"xml",                          nil                          ];     NSDictionary * htmlAtt = [NSDictionary                               dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:NSHTMLTextDocumentType,                               NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute,                               exclude,                               NSExcludedElementsDocumentAttribute,                               nil                               ];     NSError * error;     NSData * htmlData = [self dataFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self length])                                documentAttributes:htmlAtt error:&error                          ];         //NSAttributedString * htmlString = [[NSAttributedString alloc]initWithHTML:htmlData documentAttributes:&htmlAtt];     NSString * htmlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:htmlData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];     return htmlString; } @end 
like image 458
NeXT5tep Avatar asked Mar 14 '11 11:03


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2 Answers

Use dataFromRange:documentAttributes: with the document type attribute (NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute) set to HTML (NSHTMLTextDocumentType):

NSAttributedString *s = ...; NSDictionary *documentAttributes = @{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType};     NSData *htmlData = [s dataFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, s.length) documentAttributes:documentAttributes error:NULL]; NSString *htmlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:htmlData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; 
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omz Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11


This is a swift 4 conversion of @omz answer, hope is useful to anyone landing here

extension NSAttributedString {     var attributedString2Html: String? {         do {             let htmlData = try self.data(from: NSRange(location: 0, length: self.length), documentAttributes:[.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html]);             return String.init(data: htmlData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)         } catch {             print("error:", error)             return nil         }     } } 
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Daniele Bernardini Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Daniele Bernardini