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How do I convert a list of chars to a string in purescript

I'm looking for an idiomatic way to write a function List Char -> String in Purescript.

This seems like a simple thing to do, but I'm new to Purescript and have been browsing documentation for a while now with no progress!

Background information: I am porting a simple function from Haskell to Purescript

generateId :: Int -> [Char]

This generates a String of specified length. It was quite easy to convert the code to use List Char operations (where List is from Data.List in Purescript). In Haskell [Char] is the same as String so no other processing is needed, however, I can't find a function to convert from List Char to a native String in Purescript!

My search lead me to fromCharArray :: Array Char -> String in Data.String, however I could not find a way to convert from List Char to an Array Char!

I could manually convert between them by folding over List Char and building an Array Char using snoc, but surely I must be missing an inbuilt solution for what seems like basic String manipulation in Purescript!

Edit: fromList works to convert from any Unfoldable (such as Arrays) to a List. Still leaving this question open in case there is a more idiomatic way of achieving this.

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Anupam Jain Avatar asked Jan 02 '16 10:01

Anupam Jain

1 Answers

I agree with your edit. Data.String.fromCharArray <<< Data.List.fromList sounds pretty decent to me. fromCharArray is implemented in native JS with array.join("").

Update: fromList is deprecated now - use toUnfoldable instead

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stholzm Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
