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How do I control the tick label size in flot


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How do I change the axis label size in Matlab?

To change the font units, use the FontUnits property. Setting the font size properties for the associated axes also affects the label font size. The label font size updates to equal the axes font size times the label scale factor. The FontSize property of the axes contains the axes font size.

I have a basic bar chart I'm presenting in flot (5 bars, displaying the % per status).

$.plot($("#placeholder"), [
        label: 'Failed',
        data: [[0,10]],
        bars: { show: true }
        label: 'Passed',
        data: [[1,15]],
        bars: { show: true }
        label: 'Not Run',
        data: [[2,30]],
        bars: { show: true }
        label: 'Blocked',
        data: [[3,5]],
        bars: { show: true }
        label: 'In Progress',
        data: [[4,40]],
        bars: { show: true }
    xaxis: {
        ticks: [[0.5, "Failed"], [1.5, "Passed"], [2.5, "Not Run"], [3.5, "Blocked"], [4.5, "In Progress"]]
    legend: {
        show: false

I'm finding the font used for the tick values on the x axis are a little too big, especially when the graph is displayed at small dimensions ie. 240x100. I've read the API documentation, but can't find how to control the tick label sizes.

Is this possible OOTB?