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How do I configure NetBeans to only step through Java code that I've written


Am I missing something? I'm delighted that all that code is there showing how the generic collections work etc. However when I want to simply walk my code I'm forever finding myself going deeper into Java's own library code than I care to.

Is it possible to simply disable that when stepping code - I want to treat all of that stuff as a Black Box, code stepping is just for stuff I've written.

And you know what, now I've got that capability, is it possible to wrap up my own code that way too so that I can step just the bits I'm most interested in?

And if i can't easily in netbeans, is it possible in eclipse?


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blissapp Avatar asked May 20 '10 16:05


People also ask

How do I step through a Java program?

In the Java Editor, within the current line of execution, place the cursor on the name of a method that you would like to step into. Click the Step into Selection action in the Run menu or Java editor context menu, or press the Ctrl-F5 key. Execution resumes until the selected method is invoked.

1 Answers

Actually, the easiest way is to go to Window -> Debugging -> Sources and check off the files that you want to debug and step in to. Most likely you just need to UNcheck the other sources in your project.

But that's the easiest way to do it.

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Will Hartung Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Will Hartung