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How do I configure MongoRepository to use the new MongoClient API?


My journey begins with me trying to configure Java driver of MongoDB to use UUID v4 instead of Legacy UUID v3 which is set by default.

I've found this solution here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/mongodb-user/ZJKQpMpCMU4/dW5ATHTcAvgJ which works.

But as he states:

Note that when using the legacy API the codec registry is ignored, so this will not use the overridden UUIDCodec

it doesn't work with my MongoRepositoy.

This is my actual configuration:

public MongoDbFactory mongoDbFactory() throws Exception {

    ServerAddress server = new ServerAddress(host,port);

    MongoClientOptions.Builder mcoBuilder = MongoClientOptions.builder();
    CodecRegistry codecRegistry = fromRegistries(fromCodecs(new UuidCodec(UuidRepresentation.STANDARD)),
    MongoClientOptions options = mcoBuilder.build();

    MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(server,options);

    return new SimpleMongoDbFactory(mongoClient, mongoDataBase);

public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() throws Exception {
    MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = new MongoTemplate(mongoDbFactory());
    return mongoTemplate;

If I do:

.insertOne(new Document("_id",UUID.randomUUID()));

I get:

{ "_id" : BinData(4,"f0u8ig4TS6KaJGK93xmvNw==") }


.insert(new BasicDBObject("_id", UUID.randomUUID()));

result on:

{ "_id" : BinData(3,"mUX4PTPBJo6bIjPufHf0vg==") }

I know MongoRepository uses MongoTemplate, although I've set the instance to use MongoClient and not the old Mongo, still not working. Is there any solution?

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anat0lius Avatar asked Jul 04 '17 11:07


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1 Answers

MongoClient extends Mongo, which has reference to legacy api DB class via getDB(). Although you've registered the new UUID codec with MongoClient which can only be used when you use getDatabase() to get MongoDatabase which spring mongo template current version doesn't and uses getDB(). So your changes to registry are never used.

Spring MongoDB 2.0.0 versions has been updated to use new java driver api. So your changes should work as expected against 2.0.0 version.


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s7vr Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10
