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How do I Compare columns of records from the same table?

Here is my testing table data:


ID      Name            Payment_Date   Fee                Amt
1       BankA           2016-04-01     100                20000
2       BankB           2016-04-02     200                10000
3       BankA           2016-04-03     100                20000
4       BankB           2016-04-04     300                20000

I am trying to compare fields Name, Fee and Amt of each data records to see whether there are the same values or not. If they got the same value, I'd like to mark something like 'Y' to those record. Here is the expected result

ID      Name            Payment_Date   Fee                Amt      SameDataExistYN
1       BankA           2016-04-01     100                20000    Y
2       BankB           2016-04-02     200                10000    N
3       BankA           2016-04-03     100                20000    Y
4       BankB           2016-04-04     300                20000    N

I have tried these two methods below. but I am looking for any other solutions so I can pick out the best one for my work.

Method 1.

select t.*, iif((select count(*) from testing where name=t.name and fee=t.fee and amt=t.amt)=1,'N','Y') as SameDataExistYN from testing t

Method 2.

select t.*, case when ((b.Name = t.Name)
                        and (b.Fee = t.Fee) and (b.Amt = t.Amt)) then 'Y' else 'N' end as SameDataExistYN
from testing t
left join ( select Name,  Fee, Amt
            from testing
            Group By Name,  Fee, Amt
            Having count(*)>1  ) as b on b.Name = t.Name
                                      and b.Fee = t.Fee
                                      and b.Amt = t.Amt
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Chhun Panharath Avatar asked Apr 22 '16 01:04

Chhun Panharath

People also ask

Can we compare two columns in SQL from the same table?

In SQL, problems require us to compare two columns for equality to achieve certain desired results. This can be achieved through the use of the =(equal to) operator between 2 columns names to be compared. For this article, we will be using the Microsoft SQL Server as our database.

How do I compare two columns in a table in SQL Server?

In this approach you can join the two tables on the primary key of the two tables and use case statement to check whether particular column is matching between two tables. Select case when A. col1 = B. col1 then 'Match' else 'Mismatch' end as col1_cmpr, case when A.

How do you compare two columns values in two different tables in SQL?

We can use union to compare the columns once we can have the union of both the tables. It can quickly check what are the data missing or changed in either table. It is capable of handling null values which cannot be handled by where clause. This is only used when we have the same type of tables.

How do I compare two columns in Excel?

Navigate to the "Home" option and select duplicate values in the toolbar. Next, navigate to Conditional Formatting in Excel Option. A new window will appear on the screen with options to select "Duplicate" and "Unique" values. You can compare the two columns with matching values or unique values.

2 Answers

There are several approaches, with differences in performance characteristics.

One option is to run a correlated subquery. This approach is best suited if you have a suitable index, and you are pulling a relatively small number of rows.

     , t.name
     , t.payment_date
     , t.fee
     , t.amt
     , ( SELECT 'Y' 
           FROM testing s
          WHERE s.name = t.name
            AND s.fee  = t.fee
            AND s.amt  = t.amt
            AND s.id  <> t.id
          LIMIT 1
        ) AS SameDataExist
  FROM testing t
 WHERE ...
 LIMIT ...

The correlated subquery in the SELECT list will return a Y when there is at least one "matching" row found. If no "matching" row is found, SameDataExist column will have a value of NULL. To convert the NULL to an 'N', you could wrap the subquery in an IFULL() function.

Your method 2 is a workable approach. The expression in the SELECT list doesn't need to do all those comparisons, those have already been done in the join predicates. All you need to know is whether a matching row was found... just testing one of the columns for NULL/NOT NULL is sufficient.

     , t.name
     , t.payment_date
     , t.fee
     , t.amt
     , IF(s.name IS NOT NULL,'Y','N') AS SameDataExists
  FROM testing t
  JOIN ( -- tuples that occur in more than one row
         SELECT r.name, r.fee, r.amt
           FROM testing r
          GROUP BY r.name, r.fee, r.amt
         HAVING COUNT(1) > 1
       ) s
    ON s.name = t.name
   AND s.fee  = t.fee
   AND s.amt  = t.amt
 WHERE ...

You could also make use of an EXISTS (correlated subquery)

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spencer7593 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10


Check this out

Select statement to find duplicates on certain fields

Not sure how to mark this as a dupe...

like image 28
karina Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10
