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How do I check which merge tool I use?




I want to check which merge tool my git is set to - I just don't remember the name. I know I can wait till the next merge opportunity to run it via git merge tool and see what was it, but I'd like to type something like git mergetool status to see what is the tool (and what is the version, for instance).

like image 396
kiedysktos Avatar asked Oct 12 '16 17:10


People also ask

What is the default git merge tool?

The default merge tool in git is mergetool, you can configure it by using: git config --global merge.tool "mergetool"

What are the merge tools available in git configuration?

OPTIONS. Use the merge resolution program specified by <tool>. Valid values include emerge, gvimdiff, kdiff3, meld, vimdiff, and tortoisemerge. Run git mergetool --tool-help for the list of valid <tool> settings.

What are merge tools?

What Is the Merge Tool? The Merge Tool combines data from multiple sources, then adds them into a new data set. It's not only geometry, but it also merges attributes with the option to match fields from input datasets. When you use the Merge Tool, features have to be the same geometry type (points, lines, or polygons).

2 Answers

Check your configurations:

git config --list

Look for the merge.tool configuration variable.

like image 57
Briana Swift Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Briana Swift

to see what git resolves as the difftool, over the different config files:

git config --get merge.tool

If the result is not a builtin, then to see how it is configured:

git config --get mergetool.THE_MERGE_TOOL

see git help config

like image 41
Gregg Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
