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How do I check if an object is a collection? (Swift)

I'm extensively using KVC to build unified interface for the needs of an app. For instance, one of my functions gets an object, which undergoes several checks based solely on dictionary of string keys.

Thus I need a way to check if an object by the key is of collection type.

I expected to have been able to make some protocol check (like IEnumerable in C# to check if it can be enumerated), but it didn't work out:

if let refCollection = kvcEntity.value(forKey: refListLocalKey) as? AnySequence<CKEntity> { ... }

I tried AnyCollection, too.

I know I could iterate all main collection types, by simply typing:

if let a = b as? Set { ...} // (or: if a is Set {...})
if let a = b as? Array { ...}
if let a = b as? Dictionary { ...}

But this doesn't seem proper from inheritance/polymorphism point of view.

like image 223
Hexfire Avatar asked Dec 20 '16 06:12


3 Answers

Collection can no longer be used for type-checking, hence Ahmad F's solution would no longer compile.

I did some investigation. Some people advice to bridge to obj-c collections and use isKindOfClass, others try to employ reflection (by using Mirror). Neither is satisfactory.

There's a pretty straight-forward, a bit rough yet efficient way to accomplish the task via splitting object type if our concern is Array, Dictionary or Set (list can be updated):

func isCollection<T>(_ object: T) -> Bool {
    let collectionsTypes = ["Set", "Array", "Dictionary"]
    let typeString = String(describing: type(of: object))

    for type in collectionsTypes {
        if typeString.contains(type) { return true }
    return false


var set : Set! = Set<String>()
var dictionary : [String:String]! = ["key" : "value"]
var array = ["a", "b"]
var int = 3
isCollection(int) // false
isCollection(set) // true
isCollection(array) // true
isCollection(dictionary) // true

Hard-code is the drawback but it does the job.

like image 69
Hexfire Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11


NOTE: This solution does NOT work with Swift 5+.

func isCollection<T>(object: T) -> Bool {
    switch object {
    case _ as Collection:
        return true
        return false



let arrayOfInts = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
isCollection(object: arrayOfInts) // true

let setOfStrings:Set<String> = ["a", "b", "c"]
isCollection(object: setOfStrings) // true

// [String : String]
let dictionaryOfStrings = ["1": "one", "2": "two", "3": "three"]
isCollection(object: dictionaryOfStrings) // true


let int = 101
isCollection(object: int) // false

let string = "string" // false

let date = Date()
isCollection(object: date) // false
like image 34
Ahmad F Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Ahmad F

You could create another protocol

protocol CountableCollection {
    var count: Int { get }

extension Array: CountableCollection where Element: Any {

extension Dictionary: CountableCollection where Key == String, Value == Any {

Add all the methods that you need from Collection to the new protocol that has been created (I have added just count getter for demonstration).

After this you could simply do

if someVar is CountableCollection {

someVar would be true if it is an Array or Dictionary. You can also make it conform to Set if required.

like image 34
Kaunteya Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
