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How do I check if an index is being used



I have a mongodb replica set with a lot of databases, collections & indexes.

We did a lot of refactor and optimization and, of course, I have a lot of "creative queries" from the consumers.

I would like to clean up the unused indexes. just wanna save some space.

How can I check if an index is being used? I can afford to check index by index and drop the unused ones.

Running an "explain" in all the possible queries is not an option :)


The script was bugged. I am not a javascript expert, but I put the corrected script. I hope will be useful for someone:

DB.prototype.indexStats = function() {   var queries = [];   var collections = db.getCollectionNames();    var findQuery = function(q) {     for(entryIdx in queries) {       if(q == queries[entryIdx].query) {         return entryIdx;       }     }     return -1;   }    for(cIdx in collections) {     var cName = collections[cIdx];     var nsName = db.getName()+"."+cName;     if(cName.indexOf("system") == -1) {       var i = 1;       var count = db.system.profile.count({ns:nsName});       print('scanning profile {ns:"'+nsName+'"} with '+count+' records... this could take a while...');       db.system.profile.find({ns:nsName}).addOption(16).batchSize(10000).forEach(function(profileDoc) {                    if(profileDoc.query && !profileDoc.query["$explain"]) {            var qIdx = findQuery(profileDoc.query);           if(qIdx == -1 && profileDoc.query["query"] ) {             var size = queries.push({query:profileDoc.query, count:1, index:""});                                var explain = db[cName].find(queries[size-1].query).explain();             if(profileDoc.query && profileDoc.query["query"]) {               queries[size-1].sort = profileDoc.query["orderby"];               if(queries[size-1].sort) {                 explain = db[cName].find(queries[size-1].query.query).sort(queries[size-1].sort).explain();               }             }             queries[size-1].cursor = explain.cursor;             queries[size-1].millis = explain.millis;             queries[size-1].nscanned = explain.nscanned;             queries[size-1].n = explain.n;             queries[size-1].scanAndOrder = explain.scanAndOrder ? true : false;             if(explain.cursor && explain.cursor != "BasicCursor") {               queries[size-1].index = explain.cursor.split(" ")[1];                          } else {               print('warning, no index for query {ns:"'+nsName+'"}: ');               printjson(profileDoc.query);               print('... millis: ' + queries[size-1].millis);               print('... nscanned/n: ' + queries[size-1].nscanned + '/' + queries[size-1].n);               print('... scanAndOrder: ' + queries[size-1].scanAndOrder);             }           } else if ( qIdx != -1 ) {             queries[qIdx].count++;           }         }       });     }   }    for(cIdx in collections) {     var cName = collections[cIdx];     if(cName.indexOf("system") == -1) {       print('checking for unused indexes in: ' + cName);       for(iIdx in db[cName].getIndexes()) {         var iName = db[cName].getIndexes()[iIdx].name;         if(iName.indexOf("system") == -1) {           var stats = db[cName].stats();           var found = false;           for(qIdx in queries) {             if(queries[qIdx].index == iName) {               found = true;               break;             }           }           if(!found) {             print('this index is not being used: ');             printjson(iName);           }         }       }     }   } } 
like image 917
Jordi Avatar asked Jul 02 '14 15:07


People also ask

How do you know if an index is being used?

In Oracle SQL Developer, when you have SQL in the worksheet, there is a button "Explain Plan", you can also hit F10. After you execute Explain plan, it will show in the bottom view of SQL Developer. There is a column "OBJECT_NAME", it will tell you what index is being used.

How do you check if indexes are being used in SQL?

Check if the user seeks of the index are increasing with every select on the table u r using unless the server is restarted this will give you a clear idea which index is being used or not.

How can you tell if an index was used with a query?

In MongoDB, you can use the cursor. explain() method or the db. collection. explain() method to determine whether or not a query uses an index.

How do I know if an index is used in MongoDB?

You can find all the available indexes in a MongoDB collection by using the getIndexes method. This will return all the indexes in a specific collection. Result: The output contains the default _id index and the user-created index student name index.

2 Answers

The simplest solution to this is to use the mongodb inbuilt $indexStats aggregation stage, added in MongoDB 3.2.

Using the Mongo console:

db.collection.aggregate([ { $indexStats: { } } ]) 

Using PyMongo:

from pymongo import MongoClient collection = MongoClient()[db_name][collection_name] index_stats = collection.aggregate([{'$indexStats':{}}])  for index_info in index_stats:     print index_info 
like image 146
neo01124 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09


There is a pretty cool script out on Github that you should look at:


Basically it involves turning on profiling for your database and then it will use the data collected by the profiler to drive explain() calls. It then tells you both which indexes are not being used and which queries are not using indexes. Pretty slick.

More about mongoDB database profiling:


like image 21
John Petrone Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

John Petrone