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How do I check if a string is made up exclusively of same-length character groups?


I want to identify strings that are made up exclusively of same-length character groups. Each one of these groups consists of at least two identical characters. So, here are some examples:

aabbcc          true
abbccaa         false
xxxrrrruuu      false (too many r's)
xxxxxfffff      true
aa              true (shortest possible positive example)
aabbbbcc        true // I added this later to clarify my intention

@ilkkachu: Thanks for your remark concerning the repetition of the same character group. I added the example above. Yes, I want the last sample to be tested as true: a string made up of the two letter groups aa, bb, bb, cc.

Is there a simple way to apply this condition-check on a string using regular expressions and JavaScript?

My first attempt was to do something like

var strarr=['aabbcc','abbccaa','xxxrrrruuu',
var rx=/^((.)\2+)+$/;

console.log(strarr.map(str=>str+': '+!!str.match(rx)).join('\n'));

It does look for groups of repeated characters but does not yet pay attention to these groups all being of the same length, as the output shows:

aabbcc: true
abbccaa: false
xxxrrrruuu: true // should be false!
xxxxxfffff: true
aa: true
aabbbbcc: true
negative: false

How do I get the check to look for same-length character groups?

like image 623
Carsten Massmann Avatar asked Jun 17 '18 10:06

Carsten Massmann

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1 Answers

To get all the groups of the same character has an easy regex solution:


Just repeating the backreference \1 of the character in capture group 1.

Then just check if there's a length in the array of same character strings that doesn't match up.

Example snippet:

function sameLengthCharGroups(str)
     if(!str) return false;
     let arr = str.match(/(.)\1*/g) //array with same character strings
                  .map(function(x){return x.length}); //array with lengths
     let smallest_length = arr.reduce(function(x,y){return x < y ? x : y});
     if(smallest_length === 1) return false;
     return arr.some(function(n){return (n % smallest_length) !== 0}) == false;

console.log("-- Should be true :");
let arr = ['aabbcc','xxxxxfffff','aa'];
arr.forEach(function(s){console.log(sameLengthCharGroups(s)+' : '+ s)});

console.log("-- Should also be true :");
arr = ['aabbbbcc','224444','444422',
arr.forEach(function(s){console.log(sameLengthCharGroups(s)+' : '+ s)});

console.log("-- Should be false :");
arr = ['abbcc','xxxrrrruuu','a','ab','',undefined];
arr.forEach(function(s){console.log(sameLengthCharGroups(s)+' : '+ s)});

ECMAScript 6 version with fat arrows (doesn't work in IE)

function sameLengthCharGroups(str)
     if(!str) return false;
     let arr = str.match(/(.)\1*/g)
                  .map((x) => x.length);
     let smallest_length = arr.reduce((x,y) => x < y ? x : y);
     if(smallest_length === 1) return false;
     return arr.some((n) => (n % smallest_length) !== 0) == false;

Or using exec instead of match, which should be faster for huge strings.
Since it can exit the while loop as soon a different length is found.
But this has the disadvantage that this way it can't get the minimum length of ALL the lengths before comparing them.
So those with the minimum length at the end can't be found as OK this way.

function sameLengthCharGroups(str)
     if(!str) return false;
     const re = /(.)\1*/g;
     let m, smallest_length;
     while(m = re.exec(str)){
       if(m.index === 0) {smallest_length = m[0].length}
       if(smallest_length > m[0].length && smallest_length % m[0].length === 0){smallest_length = m[0].length}
       if(m[0].length === 1 || 
              // m[0].length !== smallest_length
             (m[0].length % smallest_length) !== 0
         ) return false;
     return true;

console.log("-- Should be true :");
let arr = ['aabbcc','xxxxxfffff','aa'];
arr.forEach(function(s){console.log(sameLengthCharGroups(s)+' : '+ s)});

console.log("-- Should also be true :");
arr = ['aabbbbcc','224444','444422',
arr.forEach(function(s){console.log(sameLengthCharGroups(s)+' : '+ s)});

console.log("-- Should be false :");
arr = ['abbcc','xxxrrrruuu','a','ab','',undefined];
arr.forEach(function(s){console.log(sameLengthCharGroups(s)+' : '+ s)});
like image 69
LukStorms Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
