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How do I check if a Kendo Grid has had changes made to it?


How can I check if a Kendo Grid has changes? I heard that there is a dirty property, but I cant find it.

like image 555
muthucsm Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 05:10


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2 Answers

You can use the 'hasChanges' method on the Grid's underlying DataSource:

grid.dataSource.hasChanges();  $('#divGrid').data('kendoGrid').dataSource.hasChanges(); 
like image 64
Chris Pietschmann Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10

Chris Pietschmann

Added rows will have the dirty property set to true and so will updated rows. But, deleted rows are stored elsewhere (in the _destroyed collection). Pass this function the datasource of your grid to see if it has changes.

function doesDataSourceHaveChanges(ds) {     var dirty = false;      $.each(ds._data, function ()     {         if (this.dirty == true)         {             dirty = true;         }     });      if (ds._destroyed.length > 0) dirty = true;      return dirty; } 
like image 33
carlg Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10
