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How do I check if a folder exists in Chef?

This is my code:

if !::File.exist?("#{node['iis']['home']}\\backup\\BkpB4Chef")
 windows_batch "Backup IIS Config" do
  code <<-EOH
   "#{node['iis']['home']}"\\appcmd add backup BkpB4Chef

It always says file exists and executes the loop.

like image 790
Sony Koithara Avatar asked Aug 22 '13 02:08

Sony Koithara

People also ask

Is there an IF statement for deleting a file in chef?

As mentioned in the comments, for a deletion action, the if statement is unnecessary, as mentioned, because if chef doesn't find the file to be deleted, it will assume it was already deleted. Otherwise, you generally want to use guard properties in the resource (available for all resources), rather than wrapping a resource in an if-then.

How do I edit a directory in chef infra client?

To suggest a change, edit the directory.rb file and submit a pull request to the Chef Infra Client repository. Use the directory resource to manage a directory, which is a hierarchy of folders that comprises all of the information stored on a computer. The root directory is the top-level, under which the rest of the directory is organized.

How do I check if a file does not exist in Linux?

To test if a file does not exist using the “||” operator, simply check if it exists using the “-f” flag and specify the command to run if it fails. [ [ -f <file> ]] || echo "This file does not exist!"

How does chef work?

The basic idea of Chef is that you state the desired state of the system, and then Chef compares that to the actual state, and makes any changes needed to bring the system into the desired state. You do not need to have an if statement to check if the file exists before deleting it; Chef itself should check if the file exists if I'm not mistaken.

1 Answers

You should use Chef guards here. Guards specify conditional execution, but still insert the resource into the resource collection. In your example and jtblin answer, the resource is never added to the collection (which I'll explain a bit further in a moment).

Here's some working code to get you started:

windows_batch "Backup IIS Config" do
  code %Q|#{node['iis']['home']}"\\appcmd add backup BkpB4Chef|
  not_if { ::File.directory?("#{node['iis']['home']}\\backup\\BkpB4Chef") }

Using creates

Many non-idempotent Chef resources also support a creates parameter, which explains what the resource does. In other words, what does the windows_batch "create". This can be a file, directory, or executable. So, the following code is equivalent to the former answer.

windows_batch "Backup IIS Config" do
  code %Q|#{node['iis']['home']}"\\appcmd add backup BkpB4Chef|

Why not_if vs the conditional wrapper

Chef executes in two phases - the compilation phase and the convergence phase. During the compilation phase, the recipes are evaled and the resources are added to the resource collection. In the convergence phase, the resources in the resource collection are executed and evaluated against the target system. So, consider the following example:

if false
  service 'foo' do
    action :start

This is a fairly straight-forward recipe that starts a service based on some conditional. However, at the end of the compilation phase, the service resource isn't added to the resource collection. Since the recipe DSL is instance_evaled, the wrapping if false conditional prevents that code from ever being read by the Ruby VM. In other words, it's like that service never exists.

It's fairly common to notify resources. Later in the recipe, you might want to restart apache because of a configuration change. The "proper" way to do this is using notifications:

template '/var/www/conf.d/my.conf.file' do
  # ...
  notifies :restart, 'service[apache2]'

This template cannot adequately notify the service resource, because it doesn't exist in the resource collection. So this recipe will fail. It seems like a trivial example, but if you change the conditional if false to a node attribute test:

if node['cookbook']['use_apache']
  service 'apache2' do
    action :start

you have created a dichotomy in your cookbook where it will work 50% of the time. Unfortunately most cookbooks are much more complex than two resources, so the number of edge cases where a resource can notify a non-existent resource drastically increases with complexity. This is all solvable (and exhibits the correct behavior) using resource guards:

service 'apache2' do
  action :start
  only_if { node['cookbook']['use_apache'] }
like image 144
sethvargo Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10
