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How do I check if a column exist before adding it



I have a db, and I want to add a column to it if it doesn't exist. How do I do that with sqlite.swift API?

like image 678
user2496373 Avatar asked Apr 23 '15 15:04


People also ask

How do you check if a column exists in multiple tables?

The easiest and straightforward way to check for the column in a table is to use the information schema for column system view. Wright a select query for INFORMATION_SCHEMA. COLUMNS as shown below. If the query returns record, then the column is available in the table.

How can I tell when a column was added in SQL Server?

If you can say the column is the last change to the table then sys. tables(modify_date) is workable.

2 Answers

Generally you'll want to have a migration path if you're adding new columns to existing tables. You can use the userVersion attribute to manage versions of your database schema:

if db.userVersion < 1 {

    db.create(table: users) { t in
        t.column(id, primaryKey: true)
        t.column(email, unique: true)

    db.userVersion = 1

if db.userVersion < 2 {

    db.alter(table: users, add: name)
    db.alter(table: users, add: age)

    db.userVersion = 2

You can also, as Max suggested, use ifNotExists: at the create(table:…) level:

 db.create(table: users, ifNotExists: true) { t in
    t.column(id, primaryKey: true)
    t.column(email, unique: true)

But for adding new columns, you have to parse an unwieldy PRAGMA statement:

 let tableInfo = Array(db.prepare("PRAGMA table_info(users)"))
 if tableInfo.filter { col in col[1] == "name" } == nil {
    db.alter(table: users, add: name)
 if tableInfo.filter { col in col[1] == "age" } == nil {
    db.alter(table: users, add: age)

Not nearly as readable (or recommended), but if you're dealing with a legacy database, maybe necessary.

Be sure to read the ALTER TABLE documentation for more complicated alterations.

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stephencelis Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 12:11


The correct way for swift 2.0 is following:

let tableInfo = Array(db.prepare("PRAGMA table_info(users)"))

let foundColumn = tableInfo.filter {
    col in col[1] as! String == "name"

if(foundColumn.count == 0){
    try! db.run(users.addColumn(name))
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letsdev-cwack Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 12:11
