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How do I change the Support Email of a Firebase Project?

How can I change the support email in my Firebase project under
Settings > Your project > Public settings > Support email?

enter image description here

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Jack Wilson Avatar asked Aug 04 '18 03:08

Jack Wilson

2 Answers

That setting doesn't show for all project it seems. But when I found it, hovering over the ? says:

This will be the email address presented to users when they are authenticating with Google. It can be changed to your signed-in email or an email of a Google Group managed by you.

So it looks like you'll need to:

  1. Create an email or google group (possibly on your own domain).
  2. Add it as a collaborator.
  3. Sign in as that collaborator.
  4. Select that email address.

Step 3 might not be needed, since I can also see the email addresses of team mates in my test project.

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Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Frank van Puffelen

To change the support email, the email you want to use needs to be a member of your Firebase project.

If you need to add a member, you can select the Add member option.
In case you want to use a custom domain, you might have to create a new Google account for that email upon accepting the invitation confirmation email.

This will automatically redirect you to the Firebase Console with the new member signed in, but you can also select the email from another member's account.

All steps in a row:

  1. Add a member (with your desired email) to your Firebase project (if you already have that, skip to 4).

  2. Accept the Firebase invitation (an email confirmation will be sent to the desired email address)

  3. Create a Google account for that email (this is an automated process and if that has already been done, you will automatically be redirected to the Firebase Console)

  4. Select the desired email as support email in the General settings tab in the Firebase Console using any member's account with sufficient permission.

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creativecreatorormaybenot Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
