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How do I change the highlighter color in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC permanently?




I downloaded the latest version of Acrobat Reader and cannot figure out how to permanently change the highlighter color for all future uses. In the version I have on another computer, I can simply right click on the highlighter icon and select the color and transparency I wish to use.

Is this still possible in the new version? I don't like the harsh yellow that is the default and it's not practical to change the color of every highlight I make.

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struggleBus Avatar asked Feb 25 '16 13:02


People also ask

How do I lock a Highlighter in Adobe?

1 Correct answer And yes, it is possible. If you have Acrobat DC click the push-pin icon in the menu-bar to keep the tool selected. In Acrobat X right-click the Highlighter tool and select "Keep Tool Selected".

How do I change the Highlighter in a PDF?

Select the highlighter tool from the horizontal toolbox located at the top of the PDF editor. Select the desired color of your highlighter tool. Click and drag the cursor to select the text area to highlight, releasing when you've finished.

2 Answers

You can change the highlight color using the Highlight Text tool, which is available from the (rather hard to find) Comment Toolbar like this:

  1. Go to View > Tools > Comment > Open to enable the Comment Toolbar
  2. Click on the Highlight Text tool button Highlight text tool
  3. The Color Picker button now turns from greyed-out (disabled) Color Picker off to blue (enabled) enter image description here
  4. Two options here:
  • Option 1. Click on the Color Picker button and select the color you want your Highlight Text tool to be (limited colors).
  • Option 2. Ctrl+E (Windows) or command ⌘+E (Mac) to open the Tool Properties menu (broader selection of colors, as others have pointed out).
  1. Go forth and Highlight text

Screenshot for context:

Adobe Highlighting Options

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Brian D Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Brian D

Here's the easiest way: Ctrl + E

(If the "Highlight text" tool is not selected, select it first by clicking on it.)

Now you can choose your favorite color from color panel at left corner box Screenshot to help you better

like image 36
Mohammad Heydari Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10

Mohammad Heydari