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How do I change the font size in a UIPickerView in Swift?


How do I change the font size in a picker view? I have read a lot of questions about this, but none are in Swift 3. I have three picker views; the first two have two columns and have the same data source and delegate. The last one has one column and has a different data source and delegate. I can't fit the text in the first two picker views by one character. How do I shrink the font size in a UIPickerView and adjust the picker view row height, if necessary? Thanks.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

//MARK: Properties

@IBOutlet weak var layoutLengthPicker: UIPickerView!
@IBOutlet weak var layoutWidthPicker: UIPickerView!
@IBOutlet weak var trackPicker: UIPickerView!

let layoutLengthPickerDelegate = DimensionsPickerDelegate()
let layoutWidthPickerDelegate = DimensionsPickerDelegate()
let trackPickerDelegate = TrackPickerDelegate()

override func viewDidLoad() {

    layoutLengthPicker.delegate = layoutLengthPickerDelegate
    layoutLengthPicker.dataSource = layoutLengthPickerDelegate

    layoutWidthPicker.delegate = layoutWidthPickerDelegate
    layoutWidthPicker.dataSource = layoutWidthPickerDelegate

    trackPicker.delegate = trackPickerDelegate
    trackPicker.dataSource = trackPickerDelegate

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

//MARK: Actions

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


class DimensionsPickerDelegate: NSObject, UIPickerViewDataSource, UIPickerViewDelegate {

let feet = ["0 Ft.", "1 Ft.", "2 Ft.", "3 Ft.", "4 Ft.", "5 Ft.", "6 Ft.", "7 Ft.", "8 Ft.", "9 Ft.", "10 Ft.", "11 Ft.", "12 Ft.", "13 Ft.", "14 Ft.", "15 Ft.", "16 Ft.", "17 Ft.", "18 Ft.", "19 Ft.", "20 Ft.", "21 Ft.", "22 Ft.", "23 Ft.", "24 Ft.", "25 Ft.", "26 Ft.", "27 Ft.", "28 Ft.", "29 Ft.", "30 Ft.", "31 Ft.", "32 Ft.", "33 Ft.", "34 Ft.", "35 Ft.", "36 Ft.", "37 Ft.", "38 Ft.", "39 Ft.", "40 Ft.", "41 Ft.", "42 Ft.", "43 Ft.", "44 Ft.", "45 Ft.", "46 Ft.", "47 Ft.", "48 Ft.", "49 Ft.", "50 Ft.", "51 Ft.", "52 Ft.", "53 Ft.", "54 Ft.", "55 Ft.", "56 Ft.", "57 Ft.", "58 Ft.", "59 Ft.", "60 Ft.", "61 Ft.", "62 Ft.", "63 Ft.", "64 Ft.", "65 Ft.", "66 Ft.", "67 Ft.", "68 Ft.", "69 Ft.", "70 Ft.", "71 Ft.", "72 Ft.", "73 Ft.", "74 Ft.", "75 Ft.", "76 Ft.", "77 Ft.", "78 Ft.", "79 Ft.", "80 Ft.", "81 Ft.", "82 Ft.", "83 Ft.", "84 Ft.", "85 Ft.", "86 Ft.", "87 Ft.", "88 Ft.", "89 Ft.", "90 Ft.", "91 Ft.", "92 Ft.", "93 Ft.", "94 Ft.", "95 Ft.", "96 Ft.", "97 Ft.", "98 Ft.", "99 Ft.", "100 Ft."]

let inches = ["0 In.", "1 In.", "2 In.", "3 In.", "4 In.", "5 In.", "6 In.", "7 In.", "8 In.", "9 In.", "10 In.", "11 In.", "12 In."]

func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
    return 2

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
    if component == 0 { return feet.count } else { return inches.count}

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {
    if component == 0 {return feet[row]} else {return inches[row]}


class TrackPickerDelegate: NSObject, UIPickerViewDataSource, UIPickerViewDelegate {

let manufacturers = ["Atlas True Track", "Atlas Code 100", "Atlas Code 83", "Bachmann Nickel Silver", "Bachmann Steel Alloy", "Kato", "Life-Like Trains Code 100", "LIfe-Like Trains Power-Loc", "Peco Code 100", "Peco Code 83", "Peco Code 75", "Shinohara Code 100", "Shinohara Code 70", "Walthers"]

func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
        return 1

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
        return manufacturers.count

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {
        return manufacturers[row]

like image 948
TonyStark4ever Avatar asked May 28 '17 04:05


People also ask

How do I change the font size in UIPickerView?

Try changing yourPickerView. frame. size. width or setting the size via the Interface Builder.

How do I change font size in Swift?

Change Font And Size Of UILabel In StoryboardXIB file, open it in the interface builder. Select the label and then open up the Attribute Inspector (CMD + Option + 5). Select the button on the font box and then you can change your text size or font.

How do I change the pickerView font in Swift?

Fill your Font name, Color, Size & Data Array with appropriate values. func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, viewForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int, reusing view: UIView?) -> UIView { var pickerLabel: UILabel? = (view as? UILabel) if pickerLabel == nil { pickerLabel = UILabel() pickerLabel?.

How do I change font size in Swift UIButton?

To set a different font on UIButton programmatically you will need to create a new instance of UIFont object. The initializer of UIFont accepts two arguments: name and size. where the “GillSans-Italic” is a font name you want to set.

2 Answers

Try this for Swift 3.x:

Fill your Font name, Color, Size & Data Array with appropriate values.

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, viewForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int, reusing view: UIView?) -> UIView {
    var pickerLabel: UILabel? = (view as? UILabel)
    if pickerLabel == nil {
        pickerLabel = UILabel()
        pickerLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "<Your Font Name>", size: <Font Size>)
        pickerLabel?.textAlignment = .center
    pickerLabel?.text = <Data Array>[row]
    pickerLabel?.textColor = UIColor.blue

    return pickerLabel!


For Multiple components, you can do something like this:

if component == 0 {
     var label: UILabel? = (view as? UILabel)
     label.text = <Your Arr>[row]
     return label
}else {
     return anotherLabel


enter image description here

Hope it helps!!!

like image 102
Imad Ali Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10

Imad Ali

Update Swift 4.2

I managed to use the code below:

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, viewForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int, reusing view: UIView?) -> UIView {
    var pickerLabel: UILabel? = (view as? UILabel)
    if pickerLabel == nil {
        pickerLabel = UILabel()
        pickerLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "Your Font Name", size: 25)
        pickerLabel?.textAlignment = .center
    pickerLabel?.text = <Data Array>[component][row]
    pickerLabel?.textColor = UIColor(named: "Your Color Name")

    return pickerLabel!

Hopefully help you

like image 40
Ali Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10
