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How do I change the destination directory of Ant's fileset command?

I have an Ant buildfile for a Java library. It looks something like this:

<project ... ><target ... >
<jar destfile="C:\path\to\export.jar">
    <manifest> ... </manifest>
    <fileset dir="C:\path\to\bin" />
    <fileset dir="C:\path\to\src" />
    <fileset dir="C:\path\to\doc" />
    <zipfileset src="C:\path\to\included\library.jar" />

The only problem is that my JavaDoc is being exported directly into the root directory of the resulting jar file. Essentialy, I'd like some equivalent of the <copydir> command that can be used inside the <jar> command.

My desired structure is this:

        Magic.class     // contents of the included library jar file
    // javadoc files here

The current structure is:

        // some javadoc files here
        Magic.class     // contents of the included library jar file
  // more javadoc files here

My current "solution" is to omit the documentation <fileset> command, then, once the jar has exported, go into Windows Explorer and right click7-ZipOpen Archive; I can then drop the doc directory in there just fine. However, this pretty completely defeats the purpose of Ant as a completely automated build system.

If it matters, this file was originally generated by Eclipse with the Runnable JAR exporter. However, I obviously need to modify it to add source files, etc. because it's a library and not actually a runnable jar. I exported it as a runnable jar to get Eclipse to package in the required libraries; apparently libraries on the build path aren't available for export via the standard FileExportJAR file.

like image 283
wchargin Avatar asked May 28 '13 04:05


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1 Answers

A jar is actually like a zip file. Hence you can use a zipfileset. Its attribute prefix is what you are looking for.

The zipfileset command can accept either a zip file via src or a filesystem directory via dir. Using the latter, you can add the following command:

<zipfileset dir="C:\path\to\doc" prefix="doc" />

Also worth to note is that zipfileset supports all attributes of fileset. Thus if you want to include just a single file in a specific location you can use:

<zipfileset file="C:\path\to\doc\file.txt" prefix="doc" />

Further reading: http://ant.apache.org/manual/Types/zipfileset.html

like image 54
Nicolas Lalevée Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 00:10

Nicolas Lalevée