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How do I change root element name while keeping contents using XmlSerializer?

I have an XML document:

    <elmt1>Element 1</elmt1>
    <elmnt2>Element 2</elmnt2>
    <elmnt3>Element 3</elmnt3>

I need to deserialize to an object that serializes to a different root name with everything else remaining the same.

For example:

    <elmt1>Element 1</elmt1>
    <elmnt2>Element 2</elmnt2>
    <elmnt3>Element 3</elmnt3>

When serializing, we can always apply XmlRootAttribute to serialize to a different root name but I am not sure how to deserialize to a different XmlRootAttribute. It keeps failing error in document (1,2) pointing to the root attribute.

How can I achieve that?

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G33kKahuna Avatar asked Sep 21 '09 20:09


2 Answers

If it's only the root name you want to change you can specify the root attribute when declaring the XmlSerializer.

XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(data), new XmlRootAttribute("dataNew"));
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Aaron Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09


XmlRootAttribute was supposed to work

public class MyData()
    public string myElement1{get;set;}

    public string myElement2{get;set;}

    public string myElement3{get;set;}


EDIT: Completed the XML

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mkato Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
