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How do I change link-text in Wicket?

I created a link with static text. That works fine but now I also want to change the text when you click the link.

I got as far as this:

add(new Link("doAnything") {
    public void onClick() {
            // change the text!
            // this.modelChanging();
            // this.detach();

I hope you can give me some easy advice - I'm really new to this :)

Best regards Elias

like image 672
Sylvus Avatar asked Jul 14 '10 07:07


3 Answers

use the HTML tag as follow for your link and set the text in the property file for key in order to use it.


<a wicket:id="doAnything"><wicket:message key="label.LABLENAME" /></a>




add(new BookmarkablePageLink<YOURCLASS>(
            "doAnything", YOURCLASS.class)));

Output would be a link label with the text specified in the property file. Simply change the corresponding text in properties to whatever text you want.

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Ehsan Amiryousefi Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 13:12

Ehsan Amiryousefi



    <a href="" wicket:id="link">
        <wicket:container wicket:id="label" />


The java:

public class MyPanel extends Panel{

    private static class Mybean{

        String labelText = "click me";

        public String getLabelText(){
            return this.labelText;

        public void setLabelText(final String labelText){
            this.labelText = labelText;


    public MyPanel(final String id){
        final Mybean bean = new Mybean();
        this.add(new Link<Void>("link"){

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public void onClick(){
                bean.setLabelText("Thanks for clicking");
        }.add(new Label("label", new PropertyModel<String>(bean, "labelText")))




I tend to use wicket:container in order to not pollute the HTML with superfluous elements (the wicket:container won't be rendered in production)

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Sean Patrick Floyd Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 13:12

Sean Patrick Floyd

you need to back the text in the link with its own model:

<a wicket:id="doAnything"> <span wicket:id="linktext"/> </a>

and in java:

add(new Link("doAnything").add(new Label("linktext", Model.of("i 'm the text"));

better yet if you use a (Compound)PropertyModel and have a getLinktext() function the returns the text, depending on the state.

like image 31
bert Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 14:12
