I'm trying to center an item within a horizontal listView when selected. My current strategy is to first measure the item and scroll to the x coordinates of the referenced item within the view.
Currently, any time I press an item ListView
scrolls to the very end x: 538
Is there an easier way to implement this while keeping the code stateless / functional?
const ItemScroll = (props) => {
const createItem = (obj, rowID) => {
const isCurrentlySelected = obj.id === props.currentSelectedID
function scrollToItem(_scrollViewItem, _scrollView) {
// measures the item coordinates
_scrollViewItem.measure((fx) => {
console.log('measured fx: ', fx)
const itemFX = fx;
// scrolls to coordinates
return _scrollView.scrollTo({ x: itemFX });
return (
ref={(scrollViewItem) => { _scrollViewItem = scrollViewItem; }}
style={isCurrentlySelected ? styles.selectedItemContainerStyle : styles.itemContainerStyle}
onPress={() => { scrollToItem( _scrollViewItem, _scrollView); props.onEventFilterPress(obj.id, rowID) }}>
<Text style={isCurrentlySelected ? styles.selectedItemStyle : styles.itemStyle} >
return (
ref={(scrollView) => { _scrollView = scrollView; }}
With @Ludovic suggestions I have now switch to FlatList, I am not sure how trigger scrollToIndex with a functional component. Below is my new ItemScroll
const ItemScroll = (props) => {
const {
onItemPress } = props
const renderItem = ({item, data}) => {
const isCurrentlySelected = item.id === currentSelectedItem
const _scrollToIndex = () => { return { viewPosition: 0.5, index: data.indexOf({item}) } }
return (
// Below is where i need to run onItemPress in the parent
// and scrollToIndex in this child.
onPress={[() => onItemFilterPress(item.id), scrollToIndex(_scrollToIndex)]} >
<Text style={isCurrentlySelected ? { color: 'red' } : { color: 'blue' }} >
return (
keyExtractor={(item) => item.id}
getItemLayout={(data, index) => (
// Max 5 items visibles at once
{ length: Dimensions.get('window').width / 5, offset: Dimensions.get('window').width / 5 * index, index }
// Here is the magic : snap to the center of an item
// Defines here the interval between to item (basically the width of an item with margins)
snapToInterval={Dimensions.get('window').width / 5}
renderItem={({item, data}) => renderItem({item, data})} />
In my opinion, you should use FlatList
FlatList have a method scrollToIndex
that allows to directly go to an item of your datas. It's almost the same as a ScrollView but smarter. Sadly the documentation is very poor.
Here is an example of a FlatList I did
let datas = [{key: 0, text: "Hello"}, key: 1, text: "World"}]
// Do something when animation ended
onMomentumScrollEnd={(e) => this.onScrollEnd(e)}
keyExtractor={(item) => item.key}
getItemLayout={(data, index) => (
// Max 5 items visibles at once
{length: Dimensions.get('window').width / 5, offset: Dimensions.get('window').width / 5 * index, index}
// Here is the magic : snap to the center of an item
// Defines here the interval between to item (basically the width of an item with margins)
snapToInterval={Dimensions.get('window').width / 5}
renderItem={ ({item}) =>
onPress={() => this.scrollToIndex(/* scroll to that item */)}
More about FlatList : https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/flatlist#__docusaurus
viewPosition prop will center your item.
flatListRef.scrollToIndex({ index: index, animated: true, viewPosition: 0.5 })
animated: true,
viewOffset: Dimensions.get('window').width / 2.5,
You can try to put viewOffset inside the scrollToIndex property, it will handle your component offset, I use 2.5 to make it in middle of screen , because I show 5 item each section and one of focused item will be in middle of screen
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