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How do I calculate weighted degree distributions with igraph in R?




Consider a dataframe df where the first two columns are node pairs and successive columns V1, V2, ..., Vn represent flows between the nodes (potentially 0, implying no edge for that column's network). I would like to conduct analysis on degree, community detection, and other network measures using the flows as weights.

Then to analyze the graph with respect to the weights in V1 I do:

# create graph and explore unweighted degrees with respect to V1
g <- graph.data.frame( df[df$V1!=0,] )
x <- 0:max(degree(g))

# set weights and explore weighted degrees using V1
E(g)$weights <- E(g)$V1

The output from the third qplot is no different than the first. What am I doing wrong?


So graph.strength is what I am looking for, but graph.strength(g) in my case gives standard degree output followed by:

Warning message:
In graph.strength(g) :
At structural_properties.c:4928 :No edge weights for strength calculation,
normal degree

I must be setting the weights incorrectly, is it not sufficient to do E(g)$weights <- E(g)$V1 and why can g$weights differ from E(g)$weights?

like image 345
mindless.panda Avatar asked Dec 01 '11 16:12


People also ask

What is Igraph weight?

In igraph edge weights are represented via an edge attribute, called 'weight'. The is_weighted function only checks that such an attribute exists. (It does not even checks that it is a numeric edge attribute.) Edge weights are used for different purposes by the different functions.

What is Igraph degree?

Description. The degree of a vertex is its most basic structural property, the number of its adjacent edges.

How do you find the degree distribution of a network?

By counting how many nodes have each degree, we form the degree distribution Pdeg(k), defined by Pdeg(k)=fraction of nodes in the graph with degree k. For this undirected network, the degrees are k1=1, k2=3, k3=1, k4=1, k5=2, k6=5, k7=3, k8=3, k9=2, and k10=1.

1 Answers

The function graph.strength can be given a weights vector with the weights argument. I think what is going wrong in your code is that you should call the weights attribute E(g)$weight not E(g)$weights.

like image 192
Sacha Epskamp Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10

Sacha Epskamp