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How do I build up LINQ dynamically

I have a scenario where I have custom configured column names, associated operators like < > = between etc. and then a value associated.

I'm trying to determine if it is possible to build up a LINQ query with a dynamic (string) where clause?

I've noticed the Predicate.OR Preditcate.AND stuff, but that is not quite what I'm talking about.

Any suggestions?

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Jabezz Avatar asked Aug 18 '09 08:08


1 Answers

If you are talking about a string Where clause (rather than building the expression etc yourself) - then the Dynamic LINQ Library (in the 3.5 samples, IIRC) should suffice.

Note that the example below is for database usage; but you can use it with LINQ-to-Objects by calling .AsQueryable() on your in-memory data.

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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10

Marc Gravell