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how do i build a list of maps in terraform

i would like to build a list of maps in terraform. Is there an operation that would let me do that.

eg: i would like to build the structure (from aws_instance.test.*.private_ip)

addresses = [
     address = private_ip-1
     address = private_ip-2
like image 819
suppandi g Avatar asked Nov 13 '17 21:11

suppandi g

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1 Answers

Apologies if this has already been resolved, I see that it's an older question.

I'm not sure if this is best practice, but this is the way I would attempt to reach the desired state.

Using the null_resource you'd be able to do the following:

variable "addresses" {
  type = "list"

  default = [

resource "null_resource" "test" {
  count = "${length(var.addresses)}"

  triggers {
    address = "${element(var.addresses, count.index)}"

output "addresses" {
  value = "${null_resource.test.*.triggers}"

And have this output:

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


addresses = [
        address = private_ip-1
        address = private_ip-2
        address = private_ip-3

I'm currently on terraform 0.11.5, null_resource appears to have been added in 0.6.7

There are limitations to the null_resource triggers though. interpolated variables can only result in strings. So, unfortunately you won't be able to interpolate a value that would result in a list or a map; for example:

resource "null_resource" "test" {
  triggers {
    mylist = "${var.addresses}"

will result in an error

Error: null_resource.test: triggers (address): '' expected type 'string', got unconvertible type '[]interface {}'

like image 120
mxlan Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
