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How do I break up my vuex file?




I have a vuex file with a growing mass of mutators, but I'm not sure of the correct way of splitting it out into different files.

Because I have:

const store = new Vuex.Store({ vuex stuff }) and then below that my main Vue app declaration: const app = new Vue({ stuff })

I'm happy working with Vue components and have lots of those already, but this is stuff at the top level of the app and I'm not sure how to break it apart. Any advice appreciated.

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daninthemix Avatar asked Nov 12 '16 14:11


4 Answers

For those who would like to break up the Vuex file without creating a more complex modular application structure, I think it is also possible to simply break the actions, mutations and getters into separate files like this:

└── src      ├── assets      ├── components      └── store            ├── store.js            ├── actions.js            ├── mutations.js            └── getters.js 


import Vuex from 'vuex'; import Vue from 'vue';  import actions from './actions'; import getters from './getters'; import mutations from './mutations';  Vue.use(Vuex);  export const store = new Vuex.Store({   state: {     someObj: {},   },   actions,   getters,   mutations, }); 


const actionOne = (context) => {   ...   context.commit('PROP1_UPDATED', payload); };  const actionTwo = (context) => {   ...   context.commit('PROP2_UPDATED', payload); };  export default {   actionOne,   actionTwo, }; 


const PROP1_UPDATED = (state, payload) => {   state.someObj.prop1 = payload; };  const PROP2_UPDATED = (state, payload) => {   state.someObj.prop2 = payload; };  export default {   PROP1_UPDATED,   PROP2_UPDATED, }; 


const prop1 = state => state.someObj.prop1; const prop2 = state => state.someObj.prop2;  export default {   prop1,   prop2, }; 

...then you are able to do stuff from within your components as you please using the usual this.$store.dispatch('actionOne') ...

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bigsee Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10


This is another option for splitting your store and have diferent modules, this is already tested.


└── src     ├── assets     ├── components     └── store        └─ modules           └─ module1               ├── state.js               ├── actions.js               ├── mutations.js               ├── getters.js               └── index.js          └─ module2               ├── state.js               ├── actions.js               ├── mutations.js               ├── getters.js               └── index.js    └─ index.js 


 import Vuex from "vuex"; import thisismodule1 from "./modules/module1"; import thisismodule2 from "./modules/module2";  const createStore = () => {   return new Vuex.Store({     modules: {       module1: thisismodule1,       module2: thisismodule2      }   }); };  export default createStore; 


import actions from './actions'; import getters from './getters'; import mutations from './mutations'; import state from './state';   export default {   state,   actions,   mutations,   getters }  


import actions from './actions'; import getters from './getters'; import mutations from './mutations'; import state from './state';   export default {   state,   actions,   mutations,   getters }  

Tipp: Don't forget to import your store to your main.js

Documentation: https://vuex.vuejs.org/en/modules.html

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Non404 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10


You can break them into different modules. That way you can keep all related mutations, getters, state and actions in separate files. The documentation explains it better than I can: https://vuex.vuejs.org/en/modules.html

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Bill Criswell Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10

Bill Criswell

In addition to @bigsee's fine answer, if using an index.js file to export the module:

└── src
    ├── assets
    ├── components
    └── store
          └─ mymodule
              ├── state.js
              ├── actions.js
              ├── mutations.js
              ├── getters.js
              └── index.js


import state from './state'
import * as getters from './getters'
import * as mutations from './mutations'
import * as actions from './actions'

export default {



const getData = state => state.data

export {

Similar with actions, mutations and state files.

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bjbk Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10
