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How do I avoid a useless return in a Java method?



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How do you not return something in Java?

The best way to not return from a method is to throw an exception instead. Returning error values like null or zero leads to buggy code when people forget to check for them. An exception is unambiguous and can't be ignored.

Which return type does not return anything in Java?

Note: Return statement not required (but can be used) for methods with return type void. We can use “return;” which means not return anything.

Can a method return nothing Java?

In Java, a null value can be assigned to an object reference of any type to indicate that it points to nothing. The compiler assigns null to any uninitialized static and instance members of reference type. In the absence of a constructor, the getArticles() and getName() methods will return a null reference.

The compiler's heuristics will never let you omit the last return. If you're sure it'll never be reached, I'd replace it with a throw to make the situation clear.

private static int oneRun(int range) {
    int[] rInt = new int[range+1]; // Stores the past sequence of ints.
    rInt[0] = generator.nextInt(range); // Inital random number.

    for (int count = 1; count <= range; count++) {

    throw new AssertionError("unreachable code reached");

As @BoristheSpider pointed out you can make sure the second return statement is semantically unreachable:

private static int oneRun(int range) {
    int[] rInt = new int[range+1]; // Stores the past sequence of ints.
    int count = 0;

    while (true) {
        rInt[count] = generator.nextInt(range); // Add randint to current iteration.
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Check for past occurence and return if found.
            if (rInt[i] == rInt[count]) {
                return count;

Compiles & runs fine. And if you ever get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException you'll know the implementation was semantically wrong, without having to explicitly throw anything.

Since you asked about breaking out of two for loops, you can use a label to do that (see the example below):

private static int oneRun(int range) {
    int returnValue=-1;

    int[] rInt = new int[range+1]; // Stores the past sequence of ints.
    rInt[0] = generator.nextInt(range); // Inital random number.

    OUTER: for (int count = 1; count <= range; count++) { // Run until return.
        rInt[count] = generator.nextInt(range); // Add randint to current iteration.   
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Check for past occurence and return if found.
            if (rInt[i] == rInt[count]) {
                returnValue = count;
                break OUTER;
    return returnValue;

While an assert is a good fast solution. In general this kind of problems means that your code is too complicated. When I am looking at your code, it's obvious that you don't really want an array to hold previous numbers. You want a Set:

Set<Integer> previous = new HashSet<Integer>();

int randomInt = generator.nextInt(range);

for (int count = 1; count <= range; count++) {
    randomInt = generator.nextInt(range);
    if (previous.contains(randomInt)) {


return previous.size();

Now note that what we are returning is actually the size of the set. The code complexity has decreased from quadratic to linear and it is immediately more readable.

Now we can realize that we don't even need that count index:

Set<Integer> previous = new HashSet<Integer>();

int randomInt = generator.nextInt(range);

while (!previous.contains(randomInt)) {          
    randomInt = generator.nextInt(range);

return previous.size();