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How do I add different trend lines in R?


I know how to add a linear trend line using the lm and abline functions, but how do I add other trend lines, such as, logarithmic, exponential, and power trend lines?

like image 814
grasingerm Avatar asked Feb 27 '13 00:02


People also ask

Can you add multiple trendlines to a chart?

In case you want to have more options or to format the trendline right away, click More Options. Excel will ask you for which data series you want to add another trendline. Decide and click ok. This way you can add some trend lines to your chart.

2 Answers

Here's one I prepared earlier:

# set the margins tmpmar <- par("mar") tmpmar[3] <- 0.5 par(mar=tmpmar)  # get underlying plot x <- 1:10 y <- jitter(x^2) plot(x, y, pch=20)  # basic straight line of fit fit <- glm(y~x) co <- coef(fit) abline(fit, col="blue", lwd=2)  # exponential f <- function(x,a,b) {a * exp(b * x)} fit <- nls(y ~ f(x,a,b), start = c(a=1, b=1))  co <- coef(fit) curve(f(x, a=co[1], b=co[2]), add = TRUE, col="green", lwd=2)   # logarithmic f <- function(x,a,b) {a * log(x) + b} fit <- nls(y ~ f(x,a,b), start = c(a=1, b=1))  co <- coef(fit) curve(f(x, a=co[1], b=co[2]), add = TRUE, col="orange", lwd=2)   # polynomial f <- function(x,a,b,d) {(a*x^2) + (b*x) + d} fit <- nls(y ~ f(x,a,b,d), start = c(a=1, b=1, d=1))  co <- coef(fit) curve(f(x, a=co[1], b=co[2], d=co[3]), add = TRUE, col="pink", lwd=2)  

Add a descriptive legend:

# legend legend("topleft",     legend=c("linear","exponential","logarithmic","polynomial"),     col=c("blue","green","orange","pink"),     lwd=2,     ) 


enter image description here

A generic and less long-hand way of plotting the curves is to just pass x and the list of coefficients to the curve function, like:

curve(do.call(f, c(list(x), coef(fit)) ), add=TRUE) 
like image 186
thelatemail Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09


A ggplot2 approach using stat_smooth, using the same data as thelatemail

DF <- data.frame(x, y)  ggplot(DF, aes(x = x, y = y)) +   geom_point() +   stat_smooth(method = 'lm', aes(colour = 'linear'), se = FALSE) +   stat_smooth(method = 'lm', formula = y ~ poly(x,2), aes(colour = 'polynomial'), se= FALSE) +   stat_smooth(method = 'nls', formula = y ~ a * log(x) + b, aes(colour = 'logarithmic'), se = FALSE, method.args = list(start = list(a = 1, b = 1))) +   stat_smooth(method = 'nls', formula = y ~ a * exp(b * x), aes(colour = 'Exponential'), se = FALSE, method.args = list(start = list(a = 1, b = 1))) +   theme_bw() +   scale_colour_brewer(name = 'Trendline', palette = 'Set2') 

enter image description here

You could also fit the exponential trend line as using glm with a log link function

glm(y ~ x, data = DF, family = gaussian(link = 'log')) 

For a bit of fun, you could use theme_excel from the ggthemes

library(ggthemes)  ggplot(DF, aes(x = x, y = y)) +   geom_point() +   stat_smooth(method = 'lm', aes(colour = 'linear'), se = FALSE) +   stat_smooth(method = 'lm', formula = y ~ poly(x,2), aes(colour = 'polynomial'), se= FALSE) +   stat_smooth(method = 'nls', formula = y ~ a * log(x) + b, aes(colour = 'logarithmic'), se = FALSE, method.args = list(start = list(a = 1, b = 1))) +   stat_smooth(method = 'nls', formula = y ~ a * exp(b * x), aes(colour = 'Exponential'), se = FALSE, method.args = list(start = list(a = 1, b = 1))) +   theme_excel() +   scale_colour_excel(name = 'Trendline') 

enter image description here

like image 23
mnel Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 10:09
