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How do I add confirm function to links in jQuery so that the dialog always appears?

I have a HTML table that displays rows of records and has a column on the end with a delete link. Each delete link has a class of confirm-delete. I need to have a confirm dialog popup on click and as it is used in multiple pages, have created a confirm function in an external JS file.

I have added the function call to the link's click using jQuery [code at bottom of post] and it works fine until the dialog has been confirmed once [user has clicked OK]. Then the function is no longer called.

I think I am missing something pretty simple though as I don't use JS/jQuery much I may have a gap in my knowledge. Why does it work fine until the first OK? It appears to be storing a reference to the result and reusing it rather than a unique one for each link.

Here's the code when used on the Notes page:

$(function() {
        // Add Confirmation dialogs for all Deletes
        $("a.confirm-delete").click(function(event) {
            return fConfirmDelete('Note');

And the fConfirmDelete function

function fConfirmDelete( deleteObj ) {
    return confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this ' + deleteObj + '?');
like image 440
Rich Avatar asked Jul 20 '10 14:07


1 Answers

After the user clicks OK the first time, do you somehow reload the table dynamically? If so, it could be that the event isn't bound to the re-loaded table. Try a live event handler instead:

jQuery 1.7+

$(function() {
        // Add Confirmation dialogs for all Deletes
        $(document).on('click', 'a.confirm-delete', function(event) {
            return fConfirmDelete('Note');

jQuery 1.3-1.8:

$(function() {
        // Add Confirmation dialogs for all Deletes
        $("a.confirm-delete").live('click', function(event) {
            return fConfirmDelete('Note');

In your original code, $("a.confirm-delete").click(...) will only bind the event to a.confirm-delete objects already in the DOM. If you add a new a.confirm-delete element later, the event is not bound to it. By using jQuery's live event handler, the event will be bound to any a.confirm-delete elements that currently exist or any that get created dynamically.

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Kip Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09
