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How do I add ajax URL on a laravel js file?

I am building a store locator for a website that I am building in Laravel. Since the blade file calls the js file tht is on the assests folder. It doesn't recognize the URL like this

    url: '{{ URL::action('getLocation') }}',
    // ...

This is how I have my route.php

Route::post('/getLocation', array('as'=>'getLocation','uses'=>'FrontController@getLocation'));

So it doesn't find the file. How can I call this function in the ajax URL?

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Monica Avatar asked Mar 14 '14 19:03


People also ask

Where do I put Ajax code in Laravel?

To use AJAX in Laravel, you need to import a jquery library in your view file to use ajax functions of jquery, which will be used to send and receive data using ajax from the server.

Can we use Ajax in JavaScript?

AJAX is not a programming language. AJAX just uses a combination of: A browser built-in XMLHttpRequest object (to request data from a web server) JavaScript and HTML DOM (to display or use the data)

What is URL in Ajax?

The url parameter is a string containing the URL you want to reach with the Ajax call, while settings is an object literal containing the configuration for the Ajax request. In its first form, this function performs an Ajax request using the url parameter and the options specified in settings .

3 Answers

Here is a demonstration of how i would achieve this

I might be late here. This is just a sample code to help understand people who visit this question. Hope this helps anyone who visits here.

in my routes.php i define a named route


added name route as data-url in my somehtmlform.blade.php file

{!! Form::open() !!}
{!! Form::text('input-name',null,array('class'=>'form-control search-input','data-url'=> URL::route("getLocation") ))
{!! Form::close() !!}

my search.js file catches the data-url and use it as post url

  $(this).on('change',function (e) {

function search(self) {
    var query = $(self).val();
        url: $(self).attr('data-url'),
        type: 'post',
        data: {'q':query, '_token': $('input[name=_token]').val()},
        success: function(data){
        error: function(data){
            // Not found
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aimme Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10


You can use this package, it gives almost all laravel helper functions which can be used in js files too.

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Chaudhry Waqas Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10

Chaudhry Waqas

You may try this:

// Add this in your filtes.php file (feel free to store where you like)
View::composer('layouts.master', function($view) {
    $ajaxUrl = json_encode(array('url' => URL::action('getLocation')));
    $view->with('ajax', $ajaxUrl);

Add this in you master.blade.php file's (master layout) <head></head> section (place it before your js file):

<script>var ajax = {{ $ajax or 'undefined' }}</script>

Now you can use this as:

// ajax.url

Read here, similar thing.

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The Alpha Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

The Alpha