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How do I add a kernel on a remote machine in IPython (Jupyter) Notebook?


Dropdown menu in the top-right of the UI on a local machine (PC):

Kernel->      Change kernel->         Python 2 (on a local PC)         Python 3 (on a local PC)         My new kernel (on a remote PC) 
like image 578
korniichuk Avatar asked Mar 13 '15 16:03


People also ask

How do I select a different kernel in jupyter notebook?

To select the kernel in a CoCalc Jupyter notebook, click the “Kernel” button (usually in the middle toolbar, depending on your configuration). In the menu that opens, scroll down past interrupt and restart commands to see the choices for available kernels.

1 Answers

The IPython notebook talks to the kernels over predefined ports. To talk to a remote kernel, you just need to forward the ports to the remote machine as part of the kernel initialisation, the notebook doesn't care where the kernel is as long as it can talk to it.

You could either set up a wrapper script that gets called in the kernel spec file (https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/kernels.html#kernel-specs) or use a module that can help you set up and manage different kinds of remote kernels: (pip install remote_ikernel; https://bitbucket.org/tdaff/remote_ikernel).

If you are using remote_ikernel, and have ssh access to the machine, the following command will set up the entry in the drop down list:

remote_ikernel manage --add \     --kernel_cmd="ipython kernel -f {connection_file}" \     --name="Remote Python" --interface=ssh \     --host=my_remote_machine 
like image 151
tdaff Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
