I would like to access the SIM menus on an Android phone using STK.
I am trying to write an APK that shows the SIM Menus and perform operations on it. However, since the software would be used by users, replacing the OS core modules may not be an option.
How can I do this?
The SIM Toolkit (STK) is a set of commands or applications that define how a SIM card interacts with the outside world. The toolkit, which is usually programmed into the SIM card, enables the card to: Drive mobile equipment interface. Build up interaction between the network application and end user.
SIM Toolkit is integrated on your phone through your SIM and is an important utility that allows operators to activate a new SIM card or enable a feature from your network to your phone directly.
This is, unfortunately, not possible. SimToolkit applications are protected from use by other applications because they could incur charges for the user or alter his connectivity state without his knowledge or consent.
The SimToolkit application (which is signed by the manufacturer or mobile operator so that it has special privileges) is the only application which is permitted to communicate with the STK application on the SIM card.
The STK as in Sim-Tool-Kit, is actually available in the source code for AOSP.
It can be found under packages/apps/Stk
, so it would be a matter of taking the source from that and modify to suit your needs.
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