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How do banks remember "your computer"?


People also ask

Why does my bank never recognize my computer?

I would not recommend storing any bank information on your computer, for various security issues. Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.

What does remember this computer do?

The "Remember Computer for 30 Days" option is useful to enable on secure computers that you use to regularly access your MyCase account (office computer, personal laptop, etc.). When enabled, you will only have to enter your Google Authenticator security key once every 30 days.

How computers are used in banks?

In banks, computers are used for keeping account information of customer accounts. Banks use technology to carry out payments effectively and successfully. Computers help bankers keep a record of and verify financial records much quicker.

As many of you probably know, online banks nowadays have a security system whereby you are asked some personal questions before you even enter your password. Once you have answered them, you can choose for the bank to "remember this computer" so that in the future you can login by only entering your password.

How does the "remember this computer" part work? I know it cannot be cookies, because the feature still works despite the fact that I clear all of my cookies. I thought it might be by IP address, but my friend with a dynamic IP claims it works for him, too (but maybe he's wrong). He thought it was MAC address or something, but I strongly doubt that! So, is there a concept of https-only cookies that I don't clear?

Finally, the programming part of the question: how can I do something similar myself in, say, PHP?