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How Disable Browser Back Button only after Logout in mvc3.net

I am using FormsAuthentication for userlogin. I am having a problem after user logs out successfuly the back button is browser allows user to view pages. I tried using javascript

 <script type = "text/javascript" >
        function preventBack() { window.history.forward(1); }
        setTimeout("preventBack()", 0);
        window.onunload = function () { null };

But back button is completly disabled. It worked bt,I dont want to disable back button functionality when user is logged in. i want my LOGGED IN user to use browser back button as normal. But once he choosed to log out, he is not allow to see any of contents by pressing Back. I also tried using


But this is also not working.how do I fix this?

like image 965
S.p Avatar asked Jan 21 '13 11:01


People also ask

How do you prevent a browser from going back to login form page once user is logged in asp net?

On the login screen, in PHP, before rendering the view, you need to check if the user is already logged in, and redirect to the default page the user should see after logged in. Similarly, on the screens requiring login, you need to check if the user is not logged in and if not, redirect them to the login screen.

2 Answers

Use this code in the html page on which you need to control the back button.

$().ready(function() {
    if(document.referrer != 'http://localhost:8181/'){ 
        history.pushState(null, null, 'login');
        window.addEventListener('popstate', function () {
            history.pushState(null, null, 'login');

This code will block back button event. The if condition is for allowing the back button if the previous page is 'http://localhost:8181/'. Back button won't be working if the previous page is not 'http://localhost:8181/'. If you need to block all previous pages then avoid the if condition. The history.pushState statements will replace the url on the browser address bar to 'login'. So I recommend you to change 'login' with your page url.

Advantages of this method:-

  1. No need to control the cache.
  2. We could allow the back button event for specified previous pages and could block the rest.

Hoping my answer will help someone.

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Arjun Ajith Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10

Arjun Ajith

Disabling back button is not a right way to achieve your need. Instead you can add the following three tags in your html file, which takes care of clearing cache.

<META Http-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache">
<META Http-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache">
<META Http-Equiv="Expires" Content="0">
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surendran Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10
