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How could I use pseudo-element :after :before conditionally

If I wanted to only insert a pseudo-element after a link only if the link is followed by another element say ul. How could I do this?


        <a href="#">blah<!-- insert -> here with CSS --></a>
            <li>More stuff</li>
        <a href="#">blah 2<!--Do nothing here--></a>

CSS I wish could happen:

ul li a:after if(next:ul) {

I'm not trying to use JavaScript/jQuery. And I realize if conditions are not apart of css. Is there a way to do this?

like image 231
Jason Foglia Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 15:10

Jason Foglia

2 Answers

In general it is not possible to select elements based on their next sibling.

In your specific case, you can use ul li a:not(:last-child)::after, because it happens that your anchors that are not followed by an <ul> element are also the last child element.

like image 132
Rob W Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Rob W

You can simply use:

ul + li a:after {  /* ...css code... */  }

Basically this means:

Match an a element contained in a li element that is immediately preceded by an ul element.

The + operator in CSS is called adjacent sibling combinator.

like image 36
Simone Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
