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How could I make my own lazy iterator?

I'm making a C++11 class that produces a huge amount of data. That data currently comes from a database and it cannot fit entirely in memory. I would like to provide the user with an iterator that behaves like regular STL iterators, but that would be lazy. More precisely, I would be able to do something like that :

for (auto& item : big_bunch_of_data) {

With item being retrieved from the database only at each iteration. If I'm right, this new syntax is sugar for

for (stuff::iterator it = big_bunch_of_data.begin();it != big_bunch_of_data.end();it++) {

Does it mean that by providing begin, end and operator++, I could have the desired behavior ? And, what are these methods supposed to do ? I mean, can I make them lazy without breaking stuff ?

like image 693
Fabien Avatar asked Jun 27 '12 08:06


People also ask

What does lazy iterator mean?

It means that the data is filtered as you request it - it doesn't go through your list immediately, and build up a new list of the filtered data.

How do I increase my iterator?

If iter is an InputIterator, you can use: ++iter and iter++ to increment it, i.e., advance the pointer to the next element.

What is an iterator explain with one example?

An iterator is an object (like a pointer) that points to an element inside the container. We can use iterators to move through the contents of the container. They can be visualized as something similar to a pointer pointing to some location and we can access the content at that particular location using them.

Why are iterators useful?

An iterator can be used to iterate over the container elements. It can also provide access to those elements to modify their values. Iterators follow a generic approach for STL container classes. This way, the programmers don't need to learn about different iterators for different containers.

1 Answers

Almost; the compiler will look in a few other places to get the begin and end iterators if it can't find begin or end methods on the container class; this is how range-based for loops work on arrays, that don't have begin and end members. It will also look for free functions begin and end by ADL, and eventually std::begin and std::end, so there's plenty of opportunity to retrofit range-based for loop support to existing containers. Section 6.5.4 covers the details.

For your other question, iterators absolutely can be lazy! A good example is std::istream_iterator which has to be lazy as it reads input from the console.

The requirement to use an iterator in a for loop is that it should satisfy the input iterator category, which is described in section 24.2.3; the required operations for that category are !=, unary *, and pre- and post-increment ++.

To let the language know that you've created an input iterator, you should inherit from std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, T, void, T *, T &> where T is the type your iterator deals in (section 24.4.3).

like image 62
ecatmur Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
