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How Concurrent is Prolog?

I can't find any info on this online... I am also new to Prolog...

It seems to me that Prolog could be highly concurrent, perhaps trying many possibilities at once when trying to match a rule. Are modern Prolog compilers/interpreters inherently* concurrent? Which ones? Is concurrency on by default? Do I need to enable it somehow?

* I am not interested in multi-threading, just inherent concurrency.

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alejandro5042 Avatar asked Jul 29 '11 14:07


People also ask

Does Prolog support concurrency?

Today, Prolog compilers tend to offer threading libraries instead, where the program must control the amount of concurrency by hand. p(X) :- q(X), r(X). and you'd want to run q(X) and r(X) in parallel.

Is Prolog logic programming?

Prolog is a logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics.

1 Answers

Are modern Prolog compilers/interpreters inherently* concurrent? Which ones? Is concurrency on by default?

No. Concurrent logic programming was the main aim of the 5th Generation Computer program in Japan in the 1980s; it was expected that Prolog variants would be "easily" parallelized on massively parallel hardware. The effort largely failed, because automatic concurrency just isn't easy. Today, Prolog compilers tend to offer threading libraries instead, where the program must control the amount of concurrency by hand.

To see why parallelizing Prolog is as hard as any other language, consider the two main control structures the language offers: conjunction (AND, serial execution) and disjunction (OR, choice with backtracking). Let's say you have an AND construct such as

p(X) :- q(X), r(X).

and you'd want to run q(X) and r(X) in parallel. Then, what happens if q partially unifies X, say by binding it to f(Y). r must have knowledge of this binding, so either you've got to communicate it, or you have to wait for both conjuncts to complete; then you may have wasted time if one of them fails, unless you, again, have them communicate to synchronize. That gives overhead and is hard to get right. Now for OR:

p(X) :- q(X).
p(X) :- r(X).

There's a finite number of choices here (Prolog, of course, admits infinitely many choices) so you'd want to run both of them in parallel. But then, what if one succeeds? The other branch of the computation must be suspended and its state saved. How many of these states are you going to save at once? As many as there are processors seems reasonable, but then you have to take care to not have computations create states that don't fit in memory. That means you have to guess how large the state of a computation is, something that Prolog hides from you since it abstracts over such implementation details as processors and memory; it's not C.

In other words, automatic parallelization is hard. The 5th Gen. Computer project got around some of the issues by designing committed-choice languages, i.e. Prolog dialects without backtracking. In doing so, they drastically changed the language. It must be noted that the concurrent language Erlang is an offshoot of Prolog, and it too has traded in backtracking for something that is closer to functional programming. It still requires user guidance to know what parts of a program can safely be run concurrently.

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Fred Foo Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 01:10

Fred Foo