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How complete is support for SVG on mobile devices?



  • How much of the SVG specification has been introduced on the various mobile browers?

  • Are there many known inconsistencies between these browsers?

  • Are there any Javascript SVG libraries aimed at mobile browsers?

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Ben Shelock Avatar asked Jun 09 '11 18:06

Ben Shelock

1 Answers

Most browsers will have support that at least matches SVG Tiny 1.1, and the features of SVG Tiny 1.2 that are also in SVG Full 1.1 (yes I know, that's a bit complicated — in short: Tiny is a subset of Full, but Full 1.2 was abandoned, leaving Tiny 1.2 with some features that Full 1.1 does not have).

There are inconsistencies in some of the DOM interfaces, in referring to external content (e.g. external or fonts), and in animation support. Most of the rest tends to work pretty well.

As for libraries, it depends on what you want to do. On smartphones I would be surprised if Raphael didn't just work. For more constrained devices there's Ikivo's Enrich framework which isn't free but works well and integrates with their IDE if you happen to like those: http://ikivo.com/tools.html (disclaimed: Ikivo is a customer of mine).

You can also check this chart for support in general, it could be updated with more mobile information: http://www.codedread.com/svg-support.php.

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Robin Berjon Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01

Robin Berjon