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How can you overload a function in ActionScript?

I want a function to be able to take in various types. AS3 doesn't support overloading directly... so I can't do the following:


function someFunction(xx:int, yy:int, someBoolean:Boolean = true){
    //blah blah blah
function someFunction(arr:Array, someBoolean:Boolean = true){
    someFunction(arr[0], arr[1], someBoolean);

How can I work around it and still have a function that is able to take arguments of various types?

like image 648
AS3 Guy Avatar asked Sep 19 '11 05:09

AS3 Guy

People also ask

How can we overload a function?

You overload a function name f by declaring more than one function with the name f in the same scope. The declarations of f must differ from each other by the types and/or the number of arguments in the argument list.

How do you overload a function in JavaScript?

Unlike the other programming languages, JavaScript Does not support Function Overloading.

What is meant by overload a function?

Function overloading is a feature of object-oriented programming where two or more functions can have the same name but different parameters. When a function name is overloaded with different jobs it is called Function Overloading.

Does type script support function overloading?

TypeScript provides the concept of function overloading. You can have multiple functions with the same name but different parameter types and return type. However, the number of parameters should be the same.

2 Answers

If you just want to be able to accept any type, you can use * to allow any type:

function someFunction( xx:*, yy:*, flag:Boolean = true )
  if (xx is Number) {
    ...do stuff...
  } else if (xx is String) {
    ...do stuff...
  } else {
    ...do stuff...

If you have a large number of various parameters where order is unimportant, use an options object:

function someFunction( options:Object )
  if (options.foo) doFoo();
  if (options.bar) doBar();
  baz = options.baz || 15;

If you have a variable number of parameters, you can use the ... (rest) parameter:

function someFunction( ... args)
  switch (args.length)
    case 2:
      arr = args[0];
      someBool = args[1];
      xx = arr[0];
      yy = arr[1];
    case 3:
      xx = args[0];
      yy = args[1];
      someBool = args[2];
      throw ...whatever...
  ...do more stuff...

For cases where you need to call a common function to a number of classes, you should specify the interface common to each class:

function foo( bar:IBazable, flag:Boolean )
  ...do stuff...
  baz = bar.baz()
  ...do more stuff...
like image 112
zzzzBov Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10


Could just have:

function something(...args):void
    trace(args[0], args[1]);

This way you can easily loop through your arguments and such too (and even check the argument type):

function something(...args):void
    for each(var i:Object in args)
        trace(typeof(i) + ": " + i);

something("hello", 4, new Sprite()); // string: hello
                                     // number: 4
                                     // object: [object Sprite]
like image 35
Marty Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10
