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How can you find out if a specific HTML 5 feature is implemented in a specific browser version?



I imagine there must be out there a website that collects information about HTML 5 feature and what browsers version started to support them.

This might be a good way to decide based on your website profile, if you can apply that HTML 5 feature without a fallback for your visitors.

Do you know such a site/resource ?

For example I want to know what browsers support the multiple upload feature for inputs and what browser version was the first.


I'm not pleased with the sites suggested so I'm opening a bounty.

Suggestions so far:

  • Html5Test,
  • Caniuse,
  • modernizr.com,
  • QuirksMode

    Update 2

    Some people don't understand the question. I need to implement the multiple upload feature. I know from analytics what browser are they using ( I know this is not 100% correct ).

    I'm willing to sacrifice some of the visitors by not offering some advance features but I need to understand how big is this procent. I'm NOT trying to DETECT in anyway the browser. It's a similar approach with other sites that dropped IE 6 support.

    So please don't talk about bad practice.

  • like image 870
    johnlemon Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 09:12


    2 Answers

    Try to look at Html5Test or caniuse.

    like image 83
    yojimbo87 Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 23:03


    If it's server side, you can analyze user agent to find out if client's version supports HTML5. Wikipedia is your friend. If it's client side, there's Modernizr library.

    like image 30
    Dr McKay Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 23:03

    Dr McKay