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How can you export a har file on Safari?

I have instructions to give to customers for how to send in har files for debugging SSO issues for all common browsers but Safari. Remote debug is not an option. My current instructions basically say "you can't do this on Safari"; I've seen others say this too.

I found this relatively recent stackoverflow post yesterday that says you can at least make the data persist now:

Safari Developer Tools: Preserve Network Log on Navigation

So now I need to export it. I found this link that gives some instructions, but at the last step, we don't see the 'copy all as HAR' selection.


Does anyone know how to export the browser network traffic on Safari? Am I missing something?

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Barbara Jensen Avatar asked Oct 18 '17 16:10

Barbara Jensen

People also ask

How do you collect HAR logs on a Mac?

Collecting HAR/VAR Logs in Chrome Press F12 (Windows) or press Option+Command+I (Mac). Go to Network and make sure that the Preserve log checkbox is ticked. Select Console and make sure Preserve Log checkbox is ticked.

2 Answers

When you have the "Web inspector" visible in Safari and you're viewing the "Network" tab, the "Export" button at the top right will export a HAR file of the last loaded page.

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Matt Gallagher Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10

Matt Gallagher

You can also right click on a single request and click save to a file.

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jmojico Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10
