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How can you dynamically create variables? [duplicate]

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Can you dynamically create variables?

Use an Array of VariablesThe simplest JavaScript method to create the dynamic variables is to create an array. In JavaScript, we can define the dynamic array without defining its length and use it as Map. We can map the value with the key using an array and also access the value using a key.

How do you dynamically create variable names in python?

Use the for Loop to Create a Dynamic Variable Name in Python Along with the for loop, the globals() function will also be used in this method. The globals() method in Python provides the output as a dictionary of the current global symbol table.

What is a dynamic variable?

In programming, a dynamic variable is a variable whose address is determined when the program is run. In contrast, a static variable has memory reserved for it at compilation time.

Unless there is an overwhelming need to create a mess of variable names, I would just use a dictionary, where you can dynamically create the key names and associate a value to each.

a = {}
k = 0
while k < 10:
    # dynamically create key
    key = ...
    # calculate value
    value = ...
    a[key] = value 
    k += 1

There are also some interesting data structures in the new collections module that might be applicable.

globals() returns a dictionary of the module's variables. You can create a new variable by creating a key on that dictionary:

# By default, a module has some hidden variables defined
print({k: v for k, v in globals().items() if not k.startswith("__")})

for i in range(1, 11):
    globals()[f"my_variable_{i}"] = i

# and so on

print({k: v for k, v in globals().items() if not k.startswith("__")})




{'i': 10, 'my_variable_1': 1, 'my_variable_2': 2, 'my_variable_3': 3, 'my_variable_4': 4, 'my_variable_5': 5, 'my_variable_6': 6, 'my_variable_7': 7, 'my_variable_8': 8, 'my_variable_9': 9, 'my_variable_10': 10}

Use the exec() method to run arbitrary code. For example, say you have a dictionary and you want to turn each key into a variable with its original dictionary value, you can do the following:

>>> c = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
>>> for k, v in c.items():
...     exec(f"{k} = {v}")
>>> one
>>> two

Stuffing things into the global and/or local namespaces is not a good idea. Using a dict is so some-other-language-ish ... d['constant-key'] = value just looks awkward. Python is OO. In the words of a master: """Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!"""

Like this:

>>> class Record(object):
...     pass
>>> r = Record()
>>> r.foo = 'oof'
>>> setattr(r, 'bar', 'rab')
>>> r.foo
>>> r.bar
>>> names = 'id description price'.split()
>>> values = [666, 'duct tape', 3.45]
>>> s = Record()
>>> for name, value in zip(names, values):
...     setattr(s, name, value)
>>> s.__dict__ # If you are suffering from dict withdrawal symptoms
{'price': 3.45, 'id': 666, 'description': 'duct tape'}

vars()['meta_anio_2012'] = 'translate'

Keyword parameters allow you to pass variables from one function to another. In this way you can use the key of a dictionary as a variable name (which can be populated in your while loop). The dictionary name just needs to be preceded by ** when it is called.

# create a dictionary
>>> kwargs = {}
# add a key of name and assign it a value, later we'll use this key as a variable
>>> kwargs['name'] = 'python'

# an example function to use the variable
>>> def print_name(name):
...   print name

# call the example function
>>> print_name(**kwargs)

Without **, kwargs is just a dictionary:

>>> print_name(kwargs)
{'name': 'python'}

NOTE: This should be considered a discussion rather than an actual answer.

An approximate approach is to operate __main__ in the module you want to create variables. For example there's a b.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

def set_vars():
    import __main__
    print '__main__', __main__
    __main__.B = 1

    print B
except NameError as e:
    print e


print 'B: %s' % B

Running it would output

$ python b.py
name 'B' is not defined
__main__ <module '__main__' from 'b.py'>
B: 1

But this approach only works in a single module script, because the __main__ it import will always represent the module of the entry script being executed by python, this means that if b.py is involved by other code, the B variable will be created in the scope of the entry script instead of in b.py itself. Assume there is a script a.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

    import b
except NameError as e:
    print e

print 'in a.py: B', B

Running it would output

$ python a.py
name 'B' is not defined
__main__ <module '__main__' from 'a.py'>
name 'B' is not defined
in a.py: B 1

Note that the __main__ is changed to 'a.py'.