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How can you disable specific Material-UI DataGrid Column Menu options?

I know that 'disableColumnMenu' will disable the entire column, and setting 'sortable' and 'filterable' to false will remove those options for that column. Is there a way to disable specific menu options, or otherwise modify the column menu? I want to keep the columns sortable and filterable, but remove the 'show' and 'hide' options.

enter image description here

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Robert Avatar asked Mar 07 '21 07:03


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What you need to do is include a renderCell method in your columns array. In the above I am rendering a Button inside columns 5 and 6 which will appear on every populated row. Above that you can have a function which creates and returns a Button from Material-ui. This should be the default answer.

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renderCell can be used to inject any element or component into a cell. Good components to inject might be TextFields, Icons, or basic elements such as divs (for precise styling of text in a cell). Keep in mind that DataGrids are intended for rending thousands or millions of rows of data.

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disableColumnMenu will completely remove the button with the options disableColumnFilter will just remove the filter option disableColumnSelector will remove the hide/show columns you can check the sort true/false while creating the columns with a simple sortable = true/false

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Background color can be set in MUI’s DataGrid by targeting .root -> .MuiDataGrid-renderingZone -> .MuiDataGrid-row, similar to the below code. This sets the background color at the row level. If you want to alternate row color, consider using the nth-child selector.

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2 Answers

You can do this by creating a custom menu and only including the filter and sort menu options.

// Assuming other imports such as React...

import {
} from '@material-ui/data-grid';

const CustomColumnMenu = (props) => {
    const { hideMenu, currentColumn } = props;
    return (
            <SortGridMenuItems onClick={hideMenu} column={currentColumn} />
            <GridFilterMenuItem onClick={hideMenu} column={currentColumn} />

export default CustomColumnMenu;

Then, use it in your grid like so:

// Assuming imports are done including DataGrid, CustomColumnMenu, and React...
                        // Assuming: rows, rowHeight, etc...
                            ColumnMenu: CustomColumnMenu

Result of using the outlined Custom Column Menu

like image 68
Neil Guy Lindberg Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 10:11

Neil Guy Lindberg

To remove the "Show"-columns and "Hide" menu items from the column menu, I just added the disableColumnSelector to the DataGrid Component as show in the code image below.



like image 29
luis Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 11:11
