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how can we filter elements in array with regex in array with javascript?

Let's say I have two arrays: one is the regex and the other one is the input. What, then, is the best way - in terms of performance and readability - to do something like the output?

var regex = [

var texts = [
    'the dog is hiding',

the end result is

result = [

Well, what I was thinking was to do something like reduce:

// loop by text
for (var i = texts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // loop by regex
    texts[i] = regex.reduce(function (previousValue, currentValue) {
        var filterbyRegex = new RegExp("\\b" + currentValue + "\\b", "g");  
        if (previousValue.toLowerCase().match(filterbyRegex)) {
            delete texts[i];
        return previousValue;
    }, texts[i]);

But, is that not readable? Maybe there is another way that I haven't thought of.

like image 608
user1780413 Avatar asked Oct 28 '12 07:10


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1 Answers

I would probably go something like this

var regexs = [

var texts = [
    'the dog is hiding',

var goodStuff = texts.filter(function (text) {
    return !regexs.some(function (regex) {
         return regex.test(text);

But realistically, performance differences are so negligible here unless you are doing it 10,000 times.

Please note that this uses ES5 methods, which are easily shimmable (I made up a word I know)

like image 95
Roderick Obrist Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Roderick Obrist