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How can PHP see client side cookies?




How can PHP see client side cookies?

To elaborate: When working with PHP & Javascript, I understand that PHP gets processed on the server side. While Javascript happens on the client side.

In Javascript I can check and set these client cookies. That makes sense.

However, with PHP, if I check a client cookie value as part of a conditional statement that also sets , how is PHP able to see the clients cookie value while the PHP is happening on the server side?

Here's an example of the PHP conditional that lives in a php file:

if ($_COOKIE["name"] == “Mickey”) {
    setcookie(“fulsome”, “Mickey Mouse”, time()+3600);  
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Chain Avatar asked Apr 01 '15 16:04


People also ask

How can I see cookies in PHP?

Accessing Cookies with PHP Simplest way is to use either $_COOKIE or $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS variables. Following example will access all the cookies set in above example. You can use isset() function to check if a cookie is set or not.

How cookies are stored on client side in PHP?

Cookies are always stored in the client. The path only sets restrictions to what remote pages can access said cookies. For example, if you set a cookie with the path "/foo/" then only pages in the directory "/foo/" and subdirectories of "/foo/" can read the cookie.

Can PHP read cookies?

Cookies ¶ PHP transparently supports HTTP cookies. Cookies are a mechanism for storing data in the remote browser and thus tracking or identifying return users.

Can cookies be accessed by client side?

Cookies can only be read by the website the domain that creates them; you can use sub-domains domains, url paths. Cookies are generally considered insecure if used from the client side, and should not be used to hold sensitive data if accessed from the client side.

2 Answers

There is no such thing as a client side cookie.

A cookie is a piece of data associated with a set of URLs in a browser. Every time the browser makes an HTTP request to one of those URLs, the cookie is included in the Request headers.

They were originally designed to be set via HTTP Response headers.

An API was added to browsers that allows them to be created and set by JavaScript. These are still regular cookies though and will be included in every request to the associated URLs.

It is possible to mark a cookie as http_only which will cause browsers to prevent access to that cookie from JavaScript. There is no direct equivalent for imposing a similar limit going the other way. The closest you could come to that would be to use something like Local Storage instead of cookies.

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Quentin Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10


how is PHP able to see the clients cookie value while the PHP is happening on the server side?

The reason is that each request to server also bring cookies in headers like i have inspected in chorome network tab, my php website and got this:

enter image description here

Cookies are store on client side but are accessible on server side through request header. As @Quentin stated in his answer "Every time the browser makes an HTTP request to one of those URLs, the cookie is included in the Request headers."

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Muhammad Faizan Khan Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Muhammad Faizan Khan