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How can openpyxl write list data in sheet?

I am using openpyxl to deal with some scientific data, when I was writing the list data to an excel file, I have a problem.

wb = openpyxl.Workbook(optimized_write=Ture)
ws_write = wb.create_sheet(0)

for i in range(row):


When it is done, seems like that it only can write the list into the first column of the xlsx file. How can I assign the same col of my datalist to the same col of xlsx file in the same sheet? Is there any reference to control the output?

like image 779
GuangWu Avatar asked Mar 30 '15 19:03


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There are multiple ways to write data to an Excel file using Openpyxl. You can also use methods like iter_rows () and iter_cols () to write data to Excel. Openpyxl also provides an append () method. This is used to append values to an existing Excel sheet. Each Excel workbook can contain multiple sheets.

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2 Answers

When using ws.append(row) you must insert pass in a whole either as sequence or as a generator. I don't understand your data structure but something like the following should work.

for row in datalist:

If this is not sufficient then please provide more information about the structure of your data.

like image 62
Charlie Clark Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Charlie Clark

You are only writing the first column of your data (col=0). In order to include all the data, either add an internal loop:

for i in range(row):
    for j in range(col):

or, write the entire row at a time:

for i in range(row):

I do not know that package to make sure that the output syntax is correct.

edit: after looking at this:Insert row into Excel spreadsheet using openpyxl in Python it appears that you need to do something like:

for i in range(row):
    for j in range(col):
       ws_cell(row=i,col=j).value = datalist[i][j]
like image 31
Alan Hoover Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Alan Hoover