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How can ngdoc be used to document a function declaration in an angular service?

I would like to add ngdoc documentation to a function declaration within an angular service. How can I do this for myFunction in the example below?

I reckon I need something like @closure, @functionOf or @functionIn.

Please note that (in contrast to myMethod) myFunction is not a method.

 * @ngdoc service
 * @name myApp.service:myService
 * @description
 *   My application.
  .factory('myService', function() {
    'use strict';

    var x = 0;

     * @ngdoc function
     * @name ?
     * @description
     *   How can this be identified as being within the closure of 
     *   myService, and not be described as a constructor?
    function myFunction (z) {
      x += z;

    return {
       * @ngdoc method
       * @name myMethod
       * @methodOf myApp.service:myService
       * @description
       *   A method of myService.
      myMethod : function (x) {
like image 720
paulhhowells Avatar asked Oct 08 '15 11:10


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One of the common ones is, for example, JSDoc. It is similar to JavaDoc tool used with Java, which can generate automatically documentation based on special comments, which are present directly in the code. However, when working with a framework such as AngularJS (that is -- Angular 1.x), it is handy to have something more powerful.

1 Answers

The keyname you are looking for is the @methodOf annotation. When i'm writing documentation using grunt-ngdocs for a service it ends up looking like the following:

  * @ngdoc overview
  * @name module
  * @description A small module containing stuff
  .module(module, [])
  .factory('name', factory);

  * @ngdoc object
  * @name module.name
  * @description Its a pretty bad factory
function factory() {
  return {
    doSomething: doSomething

    * @ngdoc function
    * @name module.name#doSomething
    * @methodOf module.name
    * @description Does the thing
    * @param {string=} [foo='bar'] This is a parameter that does nothing, it is
                                   optional and defaults to 'bar'
    * @returns {undefined} It doesn't return
  function doSomething(foo){...}
like image 134
Makarray Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
