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How can mocha recursively search my `src` folder for a specific filename pattern?

In my npm package, I would like to emulate the pattern Meteor follows: a source file (named client.js) has a test file (named client.tests.js) live in a src/ folder. Tests run with the npm test command.

I'm following the usage docs to the 't'. I do not want to use a find in my package test command.

  1. I understand that mocha can recursively execute tests:

    mocha --recursive

  2. I understand that mocha can execute tests in a specific subfolder using the --recursive flag:

    mocha src --recursive

  3. I also understand that I can specify a glob to filter files by passing *.tests.js:

    mocha *.tests.js

But, I want all three. I want mocha to test only files ending in tests.js in the src folder, recursively checking subdirectories.

mocha --recursive *.tests.js  // See the files? $ > ll ./src/app/ total 168 -rw-r--r--  ... client.js -rw-r--r--  ... client.tests.js  // Option A $ > mocha --recursive *.tests.js Warning: Could not find any test files matching pattern: *.tests.js No test files found  // Option B $ > mocha *.tests.js --recursive Warning: Could not find any test files matching pattern: *.tests.js No test files found.  // Option C $ > mocha --recursive src/app/*.tests.js 3 passing (130ms) 3 failing 


  1. Why is mocha not picking up the *.tests.js files in the subfolders?
  2. Why DOES it work if I specify the full path to the file?
  3. How do I make it work as desired?
like image 862
4Z4T4R Avatar asked Mar 24 '17 17:03


1 Answers

The --recursive flag is meant to operate on directories. If you were to pass a glob that matches directories, then these directories would be examined recursively but if you pass a glob that matches files, like you are doing, then --recursive is ineffective. I would suggest not using --recursive with a glob because globs already have the capability to look recursively in subdirectories. You could do:

mocha 'src/app/**/*.tests.js' 

This would match all files that match *.tests.js recursively in src/app. Note how I'm using single quotes around the pattern. This is to quote the pattern so that it is passed as-is to Mocha's globbing code. Otherwise, your shell might interpret it. Some shells, depending on options, will translate ** into * and you won't get the results you want.

like image 173
Louis Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
