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How can l use Entity Framework without App.config

I want to use Entity Framework without app.config file.

I want to define a string variable Connection String in my code and use that to connect to the database.

Please show me the way if it is possible.

like image 811
Mahdi jokar Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 20:02

Mahdi jokar

1 Answers

You're not mentioning what approach you're using (database-first, model-first, code-first) - but basically, in the end, you need to define a string variable and assign it a valid EF connection string

string myConnectionString = "...(define a valid EF connection string here)......";

Example for database-first approach:

string myConnectionString = @"metadata=.\Model1.csdl|.\Model1.ssdl|.\Model1.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="";data source=.;initial catalog=test;integrated security=True;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework""";

and then use that to create your ObjectContext (database- and model-first) or DbContext (code-first)

using(ObjectContext ctx = new ObjectContext(myConnectionString))
    // do your EF magic here.....

But quite honestly - I think this is a really bad idea since this makes it impossible for you to move your application to another machine - no one else can install and run this, since the connection string is hard-coded into your C# code..... the whole point of having config files is so that you can change / adapt things like connection strings so that they are not tied to a single machine/location but can be adapted to the particular needs of a given user / customer....

like image 137
marc_s Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 12:03
